Chapter 2

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A slim figured creature whisked to and fro throughout a large white castle. It whisked until it reached a tall man with long aqua blue hair. It whispered quietly to the man before whisking of once more. The blue-net soon left as well through a portal of darkness it had created.

Soon in another room surrounded with tall white thrones, the blue-net reappeared out of the portal and looked up at a man who sat in one of the thrones. The man had long silver white hair that had it flared only slightly at his head, his skin dark, and his eye's a piercing amber color.

"You wish to speak to me Superior?" the blue haired male spoke up at the man. The man smiled disgustingly in response and spoke with a deep voice.

"Yes, I need you to examine something for me."


I was utterly and completely exhausted. I sat there, no, lay there, on the ground, panting and completely out of breath. This is what I get for getting out of gym, all of my 8th grade life. But what do you expect? They gave me an option not to take it, of course I'm not going to take it!

I groaned as my aching muscles helped me onto my feet.

"Ugh I'm so out of shape; is this what it's like to be a 40 year old out of shape man?"

Man I really need to lose weight…. But then again, I wouldn't be as huggable and squishy so maybe not.

After roaming around a bit more I finally found an exit and out into the glorious sun. If I could I would kiss the giant ball of gas and praise it for its warmth and light. But sadly I like not melting so I won't.

I crack my back as I walked around the large and empty streets and I was impressed. I never knew a lucid dream could be so accurate! It even got down to the littlest of details! Good job me and my brain!

I walked down, bare foot and all, passed a small entrance way into a little area and another way back into the subway, before I finally reached the clock tower. It was even more amazing than the entire town in this dream! I would love to climb up there and see the view!... But I'm afraid of heights so I think that wouldn't be the greatest idea in the world.

Well at least the view from down here is nice too. I walk over to the ledge of the train station and watched the sunset the never seemed to hide behind the horizon.

It had been hours before the man returned to the room surrounded by thrones.

When he did he handed the man a stack of papers. The man with white hair and dark colored read them over carefully before a twisted grin formed on his dark skinned face.

"Saix, I will be gone for a short time, prepare a new room for our newest member."

"Yes Superior Xemnas." He complied as Xemnas teleported away in darkness.

My head snapped up suddenly. Did I pass out? While standing up? Oh boy I really needed to sleep. I yawned and wiped a line of stray drool from my mouth before leaving the station. I decided to head back into the subway and headed to the very dead end before laying down on the ground. I was so tired…. All I wanted now was to sleep. I don't even care if that doesn't sound right because I am in lucid dream but hey fuck it, dreams are known to be weirder.

I yawned before finally closing my eyes only to hear a grunt and open them back up. "Go away I'm tired…."I grumble before turning over trying to go back to sleep.

"The ledge is not a place of rest child."

Surprised by the voice I sat up and scrambled onto my feet to stare wide eyed at the man before me. Wearing a dark leather cloak and long metal chains attached to the pulled up hood I stared at him in surprise and slight horror. This dream was quickly becoming a nightmare If who I thought it was under that cloak exactly who I thought it was. And I hope I am wrong.

"W-who are you?" I squeak out while cowering like the weak willed human being that I know I am.

"I am your purpose child. Tell me your name."

"… Jill…" I didn't want to give my name, but I felt I had to or he would have forced it out of me if I weren't careful.

"Hmmm are you sure this is your name?"

"…. Yes?" Why would it not be my name?

"I see, you shall be renamed Jixll. Come Jixll, join the organization. I feel that you may be a great asset to us fellow nobodies."

Nobody? I'm not a Nobody! I have a heart! Of course I did, I could feel it pumping hard in my chest not more than an hour or two ago.

"Well then, let us get going." He ushered.

I never thought he could be so impatient….. I was debating whether or not to just follow him or go back to sleep when my eyes widen and I let out a squeak. He had roughly griped my shoulder making me shiver.

"This isn't an option."

His voice became harsh and it proceeded to terrify me more and I suddenly feel able to run for miles away from him.

"L-let me go!" I squeaked out as he shoved a cloak onto me and dragged me through a dark portal. Even as he dragged me through the whirling darkness I would continue to pull and get away. At least until he flashed me a amber glare. I shut up and behaved real quickly.

Suddenly the darkness washed away leaving us in a white room. My eyes squint under the bright light and I rub my eyes to adjust to the bright light before fixing the cloak over my body. It's official, either I have gone completely insane, or this actually isn't a dream.

"Now Jixll, you must be informed of our organizations goal." Wait where did he go? I looked around before looking up to see him sitting high above me in a pillar chair.

"Our organization's goal is to achieve kingdom hearts. With it we can recapture our hearts that have been lost to us." There was long silence before he leaned over and take off his hood to reveal his face. I feel like I'm going to pass out from the staring good god. "Tell me what is it can you do to fight or protect yourself." I look down to the ground and play with the metal strands. "I… I-I can wield a keyblade…"

"Oh? Let me see then."

Gulping I oblige and summon my keyblade and held it up for him to see. He looked surprised but also slightly confused. "Hm interesting you will be a great asset to us." Suddenly a dark portal appeared beside me, causing me to jump. "Saix, organization's number VII will escort you to your living arrangements and you may rest for the rest of the evening.

"Tomorrow you will be introduced to your fellow members and will wait to get familiar with the castle. Following tomorrow you will start on your first mission."

I look between the intimidating blunette and Xemnas. I wanted to tell him he was wrong and I wasn't a Nobody, but now I'm afraid if I do tell, he could easily kill me.

Nervous I follow after Saix through the portal and into a white room with intricate patterns of grey all around it. There was a small white bed, a white dresser, and a black notebook resting on top of it.

"Here is your room." Saix spoke coldly before I walked further into my new room. "Ah I-" I turn back to him, in hopes of trying to talk to the grouch but he had already left through another portal he had conjured up. I sigh before taking off my cloak and laying down on my bed.

"This really isn't a dream…." I mumble into the soft white pillow as I turn over to face the window.

And if the off chance I'm not completely insane and this place is real, then why am I here? I should be in my bed at home. Getting ready to sleep in during the weekend or wake up early to try and beat that boss again. But I'm not. I'm not going to sleep in my bed. And I'm not going to wake up in my own room.

I sigh again. This sucks. Finally I turn back around and lay on my stomach before closing my eyes and finally drifted off to sleep.

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