Chapter 9

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For the past few days everything went on as normal. Go on missions and meet up with Axel and Roxas. It was a continuous process, but it had its charms. Like the talks we had.

Roxas, didn't have any stories or really anything to talk about but I could tell he was more interested in hearing Axel talk about his time in the organization when he was younger. When he first summoned his chakram and nearly burnt down the castle, and the time Demyx nearly drowned Larxene; they were hilarious and it sort of made me feel glad that I wasn't the only one that had trouble fighting in the beginning.

Then there were my stories. I wasn't really good of a storyteller. I would get sidetracked and needlessly go over certain details that don't need to be explained. And sometimes I would become completely sidetracked and even forget what I was doing.

But they didn't seem to mind. At least I hope they didn't.

And whenever Roxas would ask me what I meant, or to know something I was talking about, I was more than happy to answer.

But I didn't have that many great stories like Axel's though. I had just lived a normal, rather boring life before all this. The only things that were really interesting about me were the dreams I would have. So I told them about my dreams. Like the one I had when I was little about standing behind large glass doors and outside in the city were giant fish creatures swimming around. Of course Axel teased me about a lot of the dreams I had.

We were a small little group of three, and if I could say this for all of us, I say we were happy.

Today as we left the tower to RTC, Axel stopped me.

"We're leaving in two days, don't forget."

That's right, how could I forget? I wish he had let me forget. "Right..."

I was still unsure of the whole situation, mainly for myself. I have nothing to offer the mission when it comes down to it. All I was useful for is to tell, well not really tell, but know the future. But I don't see why I would be of any use. After all if Xemnas is still Xemnas then he shouldn't need me.

"We should tell Roxas tomorrow that we're leaving."


I turn around and gave him a small nervous smile.

"Friends can't keep secrets from each other. It wouldn't be right to leave the poor kid in the dark now would it?" Axel rubbed the back of his head before chuckling and placed his hand on my head.

"Guess you're right huh?" I nod with a cheeky grin causing Axel to roll his eyes.

"Hey don't get cocky now." He laughed and I laughed along with him. "Aw your no fun Axel." I frown playfully before crossing my arms over my chest.

"What?" His voice was drenched in fake hurt as he placed a hand over his chest. "I am the funnest person you will ever meet!"

"'Funnest' isn't a word Axel."

"See? Who's no fun now?" I roll my eyes smiling. "Fine you win, now come on let's catch up to Roxas." Following Axel, we ran down the stairs of the tower to run out of the station and chase after the blonde.

After RTC-ing I return back to the kitchen and find Zexion reading by a counter.

"You're early today."

For a moment he looked up from his Lexicon before letting it vanish.

"Hm yes I suppose I am, my mission was simple today, so it would be easy to comprehend that I have indeed completed my mission early." I let out a small airy laugh before going over to a Dusk and asking it to get us aprons.

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