Chapter 7

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After returning home and having the Dusks help me prepare dinner for the Organization's members, I take my dinner and sit down to enjoy my meal in peace and quiet. Despite the bumps in the morning, today was a pleasant day. I could almost say I was beginning to get used to the daily routine of going on missions and returning home. It's like having a job, but instead of going home after work you just live where you work.

And I think after a week of denial I have finally come to terms with all of this. Minus the chef Dusks though, I don't think I'll ever get over that.

"Yo piglet!" I glance up and glare at the source of a familiar voice.

"What do you want Xigbar?"

"Woah there, no need to be so feisty."

"You ate my food… I'm gonna be feisty" I grumble. I was a pretty forgiving person. In fact I am one of the biggest pushovers in the universe. And it's hard for me to be mad at someone longer than ten minutes because I would immediately feel bad. But ohh oh you do not mess with my food. I worked hard to survive that gruel and save munny to buy that frozen feast!

"Are you still upset about that? Come on that's in the past besides Xemnas needs to see you."

"...Alright...?" Well at least I actually finished my food for once.

He grabs me by the arm and pulled me along into the portal. Seriously, what is with everyone here and the tendency to shove? Is it some sort of secret hobby these guys have? Or is it a Nobody version of sign language. I don't know but if it were, I'm pretty sure it would mean 'hurry the fuck up.'

Upon entering the round room I was met with his amber eyes gazing down at me with an intense eloquent tone.

"Jixll, you have been with us for some time now." He started as he was enveloped in a dark portal before reappearing in front of me directly. "And yet there is very little we know about you."

I gulp and try to look around for anything to occupy my eyes. "Tell me, was your somebody's name truly Jill."

Confused by the sudden and odd question I slowly nod my head. "Yes….?"

"Hm… do you have any memories of your past?"

I pause to think before answering. "It is vague yes, but that's all."

"Do you have any recollections of an ocean or a small group of children?"

"What? No, I remember being born on a main land. Oceans weren't anywhere near where I lived for miles, what is all of this?" Why was Xemnas talking about this? There couldn't be anything beneficial from talking about this.

"Jixll, do you remember your world?"

My body froze in its place.

Then I remembered; I remembered the future events within the series of what Xemnas was a part of and what he could do. Of course. Of course he knows. He has to know. How else would he be asking such specific questions? Why else would he recruit me?

"A... A world far out of the organizations reach sir." I answer the best I could without giving the name away.

"I see….." He was silent for a moment before speaking again. "You should know a mission will be sent out soon, and I advise that you come along."

"What? No!" I shout before stopping myself. "I—" I pause trying to keep myself calm "I'm sorry but I shouldn't. I'm no-ot even trained properly. I wouldn't be of any help sir."

"Oh but you will. Do not worry you will not be needed in anything other than what you are capable of. I will have you there to keep things… In check. Understood?"

"... But I-!… Yes sir…..." I trail off as he disappeared through a portal leaving me alone, encircled by thirteen thrones.

"If he knows…." I trail off as I formed a portal of my own. "What else could he know?" I left and returned to my room.

I did not sleep that night. How could I? I knew he wasn't an idiot, yet he recruited me anyway. At first I was confused and concerned but after that little talk it wasn't hard to know why. But how? He shouldn't know right? After all I shouldn't be here. I wasn't written in this story as planned so how could he know? Was I edited in? Or am I just an insignificant character that means nothing to the story? Then again I shouldn't even be here. I should be at home, yet here I am. But…. Ugh why was this so confusing!? And what did he mean 'keep things in check?' What was I? Some store manager? I can't govern things especially people that are twice my goddamn size, age, and power level! And I am certain he knows this too. So what could he mean?

As headaches pulsed within my skull from relentless thinking, I slowly drifted off to sleep. But before darkness took my vision I could have sworn I saw something sparkle under the light of the heart shaped moon outside my window.

When I awoke the next morning, I was met with an unpleasant and constant banging on my door. I groan and grab a pillow to cover my head. "Whaaaaaaaaat?" I whine only to jump at the sound of the person's voice. "Excuse me? I expect more respect from a lower ranked member! And be grateful I woke you up, now get going there is a meeting this morning." Larxene's voice rang in my ears, and fearing the woman with good reason, I quickly jump off my bed and scramble to get dressed. "S-sorry!" I call out while opening the door only to find she already left. And what was I expecting? Knowing how unreasonably impatient that woman was, I am surprised she even had owned a nice bone in her body that lasted long enough to survive one use.

But why does everyone have to be up so early? I rub my eyes as the fear of electrocution left me and drowsiness returned.

After teleporting into the round room I simply stood near the thirteenth throne and surrounding me were nearly half of the organization. It only took a second, when my eyes locked onto a pair of cynical shocking blue and my hood was immediately pulled up to conceal my fear and anxiety.

"Good tidings, I am pleased to inform you that you all shall be placed in Castle Oblivion for a short time." I could hear them whisper and talk amongst themselves before Vexen spoke up. "With all do respect Xemnas, I know that we are all experienced, but XV is not. She shouldn't be going on a mission when she needs more training."

"Yes but her duty on this mission is not to be changed and she must attend. You do not have to have her involve in any of your research while stationed in Castle Oblivion, but it is vital that she is there."

"Pray tell?" Marluxia asked, suddenly intrigued with Xemnas being stubborn over something so simple and obvious.

"That is none of importance at this moment Marluxia but it may be enlightened to us one day. As for now you will have a short while before heading off to Castle Oblivion. Use your time wisely comrades. And Marluxia," He averts his attention from the whole to the individual pink haired man. "I am having you placed in charge of this mission. I trust you will lead your members well." And Marluxia smiled causing a shiver to roll down my spine.

"You have 6 days from now to prepare, keep up your work until then." And one by one everyone disappeared through their portals and as Marluxia was about to leave he looked down at me and smiled. "It will be interesting to work with you... Jixll." Then he disappeared and I quickly left with my heart rate increasing.

I felt so sick I couldn't even touch my breakfast after that meeting. I didn't want to go on a mission. I just wanted to go underneath my bed and hide until I feel better. And knowing me it would be twenty years. Sighing I hand the Dusk back the breakfast bowl and shake my head. "Thank you but I'm not hungry right now..." I rub the back of my head and handed it back to the disappointed Dusk. "Sorry but I promise I will eat it when I get back from my mission." I offer a small smile to the Dusk and pat its head before standing up on my feet and pulled up a portal. "Just make sure it's warm when I get back ok?"

My body then vanished into darkness.

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