Chapter 5

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After talking a little more and receiving teases from Axel we all decided to RTC. Of course before heading back I decided to make a little detour.

I walked around the plaza in Twilight town in search of something very importa- ah ha! Spotting a small grocery store I ran in without a second thought. I quickly made my way down aisles and felt like luck was finally in my favor! Spotting the frozen food aisle I dashed down and grabbed a frozen dinner before walking up to the counter to pay for it. I of course, dressing in my organization cloak, got many stares but at the moment the thought of salisbury steak and mashed potatoes was too promising for me to be self-conscious.

After paying I promptly left the building and summoned a portal to RTC. While walking through the portal of darkness I quickly find a way to hide the box of frozen heaven. No way Saix would let me bring this into the castle! I just hope he doesn't ask why my stomach suddenly got bigger than it usually is.

As I exited I was greeted by the very unhappy and very scar faced Saix.


"I-I defeated the heartless sir!" I squeak before promptly going through another portal. Nope nope nope he noticed it shit nope! I mentally panic as I travel to the kitchen. When I entered I was met with a horrific smell, pots full of oozing greenish blue liquids, and Dusks who obviously don't know how to cook were cooking. I felt like I was going to be sick.

Holding my nose, I traversed through the dusk and messes until I finally found a microwave. How this was the only thing untouched amazed me. I pulled out the frozen dinner from the inside of my cloak and tear open the box and popped it in for several minutes.

While waiting I could slowly smell the refreshing scent of steak and mash potatoes and found myself slowly drooling. It's been nearly a week since I've joined the organization and this will be the first time that I can eat real food. Well frozen tv dinner real food anyway. Hearing the machine beep I quickly open the door and slammed it shut. Swiftly but carefully I pull off the plastic wrap and nearly drowned with all the wonderful and savory smells that wafted into my nostrils.

"Oh lord that smells delicious!" I screech before setting it down to search for a fork. Now where are the forks? Forget that where were the utensils in general!?

I look all around for any sign of where the utensils were being held but no such luck. There weren't even any drawers, just pantries. What kind of kitchen was this? After a good 5 minutes of searching I decided that utensils were over rated and made my way back over to eat my food only to gape in horror.

Number II, Xigbar was eating my salisbury steak and mash potatoes! "H-hey wait that's mine!" I ran over and try to get it back from him but he kept it out of my reach.

"Come on give it back Xigbar!"

"No can do piglet! This stuff is way better than the slop the dusks serve and I plan to enjoy every last bite." He stated before shoving another bite into his mouth.

"But that's not fair, I bought that with my own munny you just can't take-"

"You bought this?" I stop trying to reach for it.

"Uh…. Yeah?"


"At the plaza in Twilight Town?"

"Alright then." Then he continued on eating it.

"H-hey give it back!"

"Alright fine." He grinned and handed the black plastic plate and I was happy for only a millisecond before I realized he had eaten all of it.

"Thanks for the meal piglet!"

I whine as he summoned a portal leaving me alone in the kitchen with an empty plate and despair. A Dusk came swishing by and took my empty plate, throwing it away, and another one came to hand me a plate full of the mushy goo. I whimper as I took a spoon and ate it. Cringing and gagging I continue to eat while sulking in the kitchen alone with the Dusks.

Finally, after nearly throwing up and dying several times while trying to consume that disgusting concoction I was ready to head back to my room when another portal showed up. A much smaller leaner figure stepped out and looked over at me almost instantly.

"Number XV..."

I nodded at number VI's, Zexion, greeting before standing awkwardly by the sink. Not knowing whether to stay or leave I watched the cloaked schemer as he began to dig through the fridge and pulled out random ingredients and began reading his lexicon. What was he doing? What could he possibly make with eggplant, peanut butter, wait why was peanut butter in the fridge? More over is that milk spoiled? I shudder as he began to shove all these ingredients into a blender and my body cringed in disgust as the blender churned and whirled, crushing and mixing the ingredients together. Does no one in this castle know how to cook!? Ugh now I know I was going to puke for sure.

"What are you doing?" I ask holding back the urge to throw up then and there.

He looked over his shoulder and the glint in his eye gave me a 'Isn't it obvious?' and I of course responded with the thinned out lips and a shrug. He sighs before turning around.

"I am trying to make a smoothie…"

"Oh….. You know that's not how you're supposed to make one right?" I ask pointing at the blender with obvious disgust.

"Oh? Then pray tell how then."

Oh, oh well then how do I explain? I don't even cook myself! "Um…. Well you don't use eggplant…. Or peanut butter…. Or rotten milk either…." I trail off mumbling while looking away. Why was it so hard to speak with anyone in this blasted organization? I didn't hear another word from the cloaked schemer until a white piece of paper was shoved into my face. "Write it down then." He was brief and didn't explain his reasoning.

"I-" I pause before shaking my head and started to look around for anything to write with when he handed me a pencil. "Thanks…" I quickly write down a basic strawberry banana smoothie recipe and hand it back to him. I watch as he simply stared at the parchment. As he glanced to me a couple a times I quickly got the message.

"I'm uh gonna go now…" my hands awkwardly gestured behind me as a portal formed there and turned around to leave.

When I came into my room I was met with horror.

Saix, was standing there, angry as always, and holding the empty tray that once held my plan A for dinner.


I squeak in response as well as in horror. I was dead meat. He was going to put me on double duty and make me train till I die! I can already imagine it now! I can't die now! I'm too young to die! I'm not even 18 yet! I want to at least be old enough to do things!

"Xemnas orders that from now on that you provide the members with its meals. The Dusks will assist you in gathering materials and preparing our meals." for the first time in my life, I wanted flip something out the window. And that something is Saix.

"Wait but what abou—"

"Lord Xemnas has his orders. It is best you do not go against them. And without another word he left through a portal of darkness.

"But I don't even know how to cook anything other mac-n-cheese…."

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