Chapter 14

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Stumbling through the halls I searched for the scorching member. Earlier I tried to go through the portal of darkness to try and find him, but as soon as I stepped in my body grew twice as cold. I quickly changed back to wandering through the halls.

"W-w-where are you..." I whisper while hugging my body to suppress the cold consuming me. Shivering I look down the white hallway desperate and yearning for the image of Axel to appear, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"A-ah... A-axel... Axel!" I cry out, my body teetered before I lean against the wall and slide down.

I was so cold. My eyes felt so heavy and... Was that my breath? I watch my breath visibly form as it left my lips and fade slowly away.

"C-cold..." I felt my breath shutter and my body convulsed and shrunk around itself, desperate to keep warmth.

My vision began to blur before a dark faded being crossed my vision.

"Jixll?" I could feel warmth rest on my shoulders and my body desperately shuffled towards the source of the warmth.

"What happened to you?" The voice was numbed in my ears but I could just barely make out the familiarity in its voice.


"Whoa whoa I got ya." I felt his arms lift me up onto my feet. "You're like a block of ice what happened?" He asked me but all I could do was shiver and open my mouth only to chatter uncontrollably.

"Ok ok I get it, lets get you warmed up first."

I nodded in thanks as he helped me into a separate room and guided me down onto the floor before he summoned his flames to surround us in a circle. I could feel the flames beginning to drive away the cold.

"There, any better?"

I nod as my shivering lightened and my chattering died down.

"Ok, can you speak?"


"Ok good. Now what happened?" He asked sternly while placing a hand on my shoulder but I flinched away.

"I... I got in trouble."

"Are you saying Vexen did this to you?" I shook my head. No it would make sense if it was Vexen who did this to me, but however he wasn't the culprit here. And I still don't know why or how Marluxia was able to do whatever it is that he had done to me. Marluxia commanded flowers not the cold. Yet... What was that darkness he commanded?

"Then who did?" I sucked in my lips and a long pause was brought into the conversation before I finally shake my head.

"I-I can't tell..." I didn't want whatever he did to me to happen again. The thought frightened me and I was just barely lucky enough for Axel to find me. I may not get so lucky the next.

"Why? Why can't you tell me? Jixll this is not something you can keep from your friends." He was stern with his words, which was odd coming from him.

"I-I... I don't w-wanna g-get in trouble again."

"... Alright." As the flames slowly died he stood back up before helping me up as well.

"I'll let this go for now, but when I ask again you have to tell me alright?" I nod my head.


"Good, now can you keep out of trouble until then?"

"Says the cocky flurry of dancing flames..." suddenly I was pulled into a tight hug and my hood was knocked off and suddenly my head was being given a rough noogie.

"I heard that!" He smirked.

"Ow ow ow ow! That hurts! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I whine as I try to squirm out of his grip until he finally lets go of me and I pull back up my hood. Axel smirked and I pouted sticking my tongue out at him.

"Alright you big baby, now come on lets head back to the observing room and see how the hero is doing."


After wandering back to the observing room, we looked to the orb to see Sora, Donald Goofy, and that mystery girl with red hair.

"Hm, you know it's not fair if he hogs the hero." Axel states with a grin making me frown underneath my hood.

"Hey don't bully the poor kid." I mumble and Axel simply chuckles before patting my head.

"Don't worry I won't hurt the kid too bad."

"Axel! At least try to be nice!" I whine before he waves and leaves through a portal.

I sigh and turn my gaze back to watch Axel come in and interrupt Marluxia. And then he wastes no time in messing with the poor boys head. I watch and shake my head in shame. That wasn't being nice! I place a gloved hand over my forehead summon a portal with my free hand.

"I can't leave anyone alone for a few seconds and they immediately start bullying the poor kid..."

I sigh before walking through the portal.

"I hope he didn't hurt the poor guy too bad.

"I'm gonna figure it out for myself. If you're in my way—" He readied himself for battle when Donald, Goofy as well as the red haired girl suddenly stood in front of him protectively.

"Don't worry, Sora! We'll protect you!" The duck stated holding up his staff. Axel laughed and placed his hands on his hips.

"Good answer. Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master." He paused. "But be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be who you are now. By the way you should hit the sack...its almost dark out—" And before he could summon a portal and leave another portal opened up behind him and a different voice spoke up.

"Axel I thought I told you not to bully him!" Axel suddenly turned around and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey now, I said hello, I consider that being nice." Soon a shorter figure wearing the same outfit as Axel came out from behind him with arms crossing her chest.

"Not when you try to beat him up!" She retorted before sighing and turning to the hero and his friends.

"I'm sorry about Axel, here." She walked over and offered them potions and ethers that Sora warily took.

"Take these to heal you up and try to rest up for the evening. You'll be needing it for tomorrow." She offered a smile underneath her hood, but no one was able to see the kind gesture on her face. Axel however was not amused. In fact he looked rather disappointed as he jokingly shoved the cloaked figures head.

"You just have to ruin my dramatic exit now don't you..." Axel whined before opening a portal and both members entered, leaving the hero's party alone to rest. The mysterious red head stared off in confusion, turning her head to the potions and ethers in Sora's hands, and back to where they had just been.

"Um, what the hell just happened?"

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