Chapter 10

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That morning, after being assigned my mission, I felt like I was going to be sick. It was a simple collect more hearts mission, but it was who I was paired with that made my stomach churn.

"Is something wrong Jixll?" A smooth deep voice spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"S-sorry Marluxia I was just thinking." I apologize to the pink haired male.

"Oh my is something wrong? What is it that you're thinking about?" He asked, draping a fake smile across his face.

"It's ju-"

"Just worried about the mission?"

"Ah," I pause slightly surprised that he knew what I was worried about but then again I can't hide my emotions very well. "Y-yeah... But I'm sure I'll be fine." I offer a nervous smile before running off to chase down heartless.

"Jixll may I ask you a question?" I look over after defeating a yellow nocturne and nod.

"What is it?"

"There must be a reason Xemnas has chosen you to come along with us and be stationed at Castle Oblivion, and as the leader of this mission, I believe it is within all good interest that you share any information that you might have about why you are coming along."

I gulp and my hands involuntarily grip the hilt of my keyblade in a tight embrace.

"I-... I-I'm sorry but I-I don't know myself..." I answer as best as I could with full honesty. But for a millisecond a frown creased onto his face and it told me he didn't believe me.

"Now Jixll... There is no reason to keep secrets from us remember?" He smiled and a large hand gripped onto my shoulder making me flinch. "We are all working together for a great purpose remember? So you shouldn't have to keep things from me." I cringe as his grip tightened.

"Tell me Jixll." His voice grew hard and he knelt down to my height to stare down at me with his pastel blue eyes.

"I to-told you... I don't know." I answer before he finally let go and I stepped back.

"I see... Well then Jixll I guess we will both see once we go then." He muses before summoning a portal.

"We have taken care of enough heartless for the day, I will see you tomorrow Jixll."

As soon as he left I felt my legs finally cave in. I plopped to the ground staring where he once stood and I breathed heavily as I gripped my chest. I felt horrified. My whole body quaked and I couldn't keep my heartbeat steady. Now I was more worried than ever. Oh god if I live through this it will be a miracle.

Taking in deep breaths I stood back up and did my best to calm my rapidly beating heart. I can't be left alone with Marluxia. Not after that. Who knows what he will do if he found out about me knowing the future? And worse, that I have a heart.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of these thoughts as well as the conversation out of my mind before heading over to the tower. But my heart wouldn't stop its rapid breathing.

I reach the top of the tower and sat down in my spot before sighing and clutch my chest. "Calm down... Just calm down..." I whisper to myself before hearing two familiar voices.

I lift my head to see Roxas and Axel both smiling down at me.

"You're early." Axel prompts before sitting down beside me then Roxas sat beside Axel.

"Nah you guys are just late." I joke and they both chuckle in return.

"How was your mission?" Roxas asked and I smiled, ready to talk before I am reminded of the conversation. "Ah... Nothing really, just... Collecting hearts." I state rubbing the back of my head. Axel frowned slightly but Roxas continued to smile.

"Oh well me and Axel had to take out a Guardian." Roxas stated a hint of pride in his voice, before he pulled out three sea salt ice creams. Axel took one, handed it down to me, and he took one for himself, leaving the last for Roxas.

"Thanks." I smile before biting into the ice cream and stare off into the sunset.

"You know, I'm gonna miss this ice cream thing we do." Axel spoke up and I pull out my popsicle stick and stared at it.

"Yeah me too."

"Huh? What are you two talking about?" Roxas asked, obviously confused by what we said.

"Tomorrow me, Jixll, and some other members are going out on recon." Axel informed before finishing off his ice cream. "We won't be back for a while."

Roxas looked over to me and I nod, confirming what Axel said was true.

"But don't worry we'll be back before you know it." I grin and offer a smile to try and cheer up the blonde but the look on his face told me that it wasn't working.


Axel sighed before getting up. "I gotta leave early, need to pack up for tomorrow." He scratched the back of his head before leaving through a portal leaving the two of us.

"... Don't you need to go too?" Roxas asked looking over to me and I shook my head.

"No I already packed up last night." It wasn't like I had a lot of things to begin with, so packing up took little time.

"I wish you guys didn't have to go..." I was certain I wasn't supposed to hear that, but I did and look over to him with a sad look in my eyes. "Roxas..."

Without thinking I scoot over and wrap my arms around him into a tight embrace. "Cheer up ok? Like I said we'll be back before you know it so don't worry." I tell him before letting go.

"What... What did you do?" He asked slightly confused.

"Huh?" I tilt my head lightly and slightly frown. "What do you mean?"

"You know..." He paused using his arms to arch together as if he was making a hoop with his arms. "The thing you did with your arms."

"Huh? Oh, Oh! That was a hug." I tell him. "It's what you do to friends when you are happy or feeling sad. I remember when I still had a heart that I loved giving and receiving hugs. It always made me feel warm inside."




My mouth opened for a moment, contemplating before closing it and I shake my head.

"Never mind."

Standing up I rub a hand affectionately onto his head. "Come on we should probably RTC before Saix gets more grumpy than usual." Roxas chuckled and stood up and I follow him through a portal he conjured back to the Castle.

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