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Finally reached 14 chapters! I'm so glad to have made it this far into my story and I'm even more glad to have the 500+ readers so far who have read it!

Up until now all of my chapters have already been made all the way up to 14 and I go back to edit before posting. Meaning I now need to get my butt in gear and waste a lot of my life watching the playthroughs as well as reading the manganization of the series which is a great read and if you haven't read any of the Kingdom Hearts manga I highly recommend it!

So that means the chapters may not be updated on the weekly Tuesday post date.

Most likely they will be updated once a week or a little over, but there is no longer a set time I'm afraid. And sadly I have school and I no longer have a blow off class to just waste away and dedicate my work to this fanfiction. But I will not let it die! I've been working on this project for practically 5 years. It started out as some simple role playing that developed into such an interesting story between a close friend of mine that I can no longer keep myself from telling the tail in Jill's eyes.

Nothing below is necessary to read, but I feel if you care about the character or just curious then feel free to read on!

I have had a few questions before and this indeed is a self insert. And it's based heavily on how I would act.

For starters I am not and athletic person, at all. I get tired just from walking up the stairs and there was no way I could make myself right off the bat athletic. In fact I try my best to point out Jill's flaws about it. And I want to try my best to transition her well from over weight, out of shape, and a bit fat, to being fit and maybe healthier since over time when you take care of and fight so many heartless you're bound to get into a little bit of shape.

Meaning if you feel like I may be rushing her fitness a little or even seeming like she shouldn't be powerful enough yet please let me know so I can properly fix this!

I/She is also a weak willed person. No matter how angry I get or how passionate I am about something if the right person comes along I can easily be shut up. Take Saix, Marluxia, and Xemnas for example. They are people of high superiority and I/she isn't an idiot. I know if I get in there way or go against them I would basically be dead or worse. I understand their level and right now it's like sending a baby seal to fight a giant killer whale and we all know how that's gonna end.

I will admit when I first reintroduced myself to the series I hated plenty of the most commonly hated characters, but as I grew older and revisited these said characters I realized how much I loved their vicious, sarcastic, and especially heartless personality. In fact I ended up liking them more and more until there wasn't a character I hated because of what they did or how they act. Which is why I/she doesn't have any real hatred towards any of the characters so far besides annoyance and even fear towards some.

Sort of important!...?

This has to do with the subtle or maybe even not so subtle hints i've been giving in the recent chapters as well as having to do with the beginning chapter. All I can say is that yes they are heavily coordinated with each other, but it will take a long time before I can actually lift the curtains to reveal the secret behind it. And this secret is also in heavy progress with my partner with much work needed, but with the up and coming of KH 3 we are now stuck in waiting for the game before we can continue into this process.

(Depending on messages I may delete this authors note at Feb, 10)

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