Chapter 13

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About a week has gone by since we were stationed in Castle Oblivion. While Zexion's group remained oblivious down below, up above Marluxia had begun setting his plans in motion with the reluctant help on my part. After all how was he going to predict where Sora was without my help?

And I hated it. I can't believe after all these years of playing video games as the hero and dressing like one with the fancy cape and mask when I was little, I am now the bad guy. This sucked.

I would watch through the orb as Marluxia and Larxene would plan. I had no verbal say in the plans, however when in private Marluxia would be sure that what they were doing was setting them on the right course to victory. And I said yes.

I had visited Naminé many times within the few days, and she still would stare at me with a thoughtful expression every now and then. I would ask her what she was thinking about, but she would just smile and shake her head and change the subject. I admit I was curious but I decided not to push the subject further unless she wanted to tell me. Naminé has also been working diligently ever since I gave them the location where he could possibly be. She wasn't much influence to the hero when he's so far away but it seems she was still able to reach him and influence him enough to lure him into the world of Castle Oblivion.

And sometimes Zexion would surface from the labs in the lower levels. And I would continue to help him with cooking whenever he asked. Sadly when ever he tried to cook something by himself, it never turned out quite 'right'.

But sadly, all good things have to come to an end. According to surveillance, Sora was sited within the world this morning. I could practically see an eager wicked grin etch into the man's lips before he pulls up his hood and heads out into the dark of the night to lure in the poor boy.

I sigh as I wait in the observing room and pull up my hood once more. "What's with the hood deal Jixll? It's not like you're going to lure in the kid."

"I know... But I don't want Sora to possibly see my face. I mean come on who would be intimidated by these chubby cheeks." I state patting my gloved hands over my cheeks and patting them and he in turn chuckled at my actions.

"You got me there."

I watch as the orb's vision swirls into white and revealing the boy entering. Then the duck, and then the dog followed after him. My eyes suddenly widen however when someone came in after goofy. What wasn't odd about her was her red or her odd looking outfit. No her entire existence was what threw me off.

She shouldn't be here.

Matter of fact who even was she? She wasn't in the game! I stare shocked and confused at the orb watching as Marluxia gave his cryptic message before fazing through the hero. I watch as Sora attempted to challenge him, but my gaze kept drifting to the girl. Through her scowl I could see a familiar face, but I cannot recognize from where. Silently cursing in my mind I frowned as Marluxia returned and lifted his hood from his head.

" Everything is set in place." He speaks with a flamboyant grace before leading me through a portal away from Larxene and Axel. "I have some things to discuss with Jixll, I will return shortly." He announced before leaving.

We exited into Naminé's room and I glance over to her concerned but Marluxia held no such thing in his mind and redirected my attention back to him.

"Jixll, everything is going according to plan, correct?" I would have said yes, but...

"No... That girl who was with Sora, the girl with the red hair; she shouldn't be here." I explain. His once smiling face faltered into a frown.

"That is not good..."

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