Chapter 12

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After wandering through the halls and eventually calming down I had found myself alone in a center room, with a crystal ball placed in the center. This must have been the room they had watched Sora's movements through the castle. I wonder how it worked.

"Huh..." Walking closer I placed a gloved hand over the glass and stare into the endless void inside. The inside was something out of a fantasy. Grey smog swirled within the orb just like the crystal balls you would see in a movie. Gingerly my hands rub against the smooth glass and as I stare I saw something amidst the grey smog. Squinting my eyes I look closer and before I knew it a sudden darkness enveloped the inside of the orb. Surprised, I jump back before leaning back forward and try to see through the darkness. Within the darkness I spot a darker figure in the middle. Swooshing and waning the dark figure seemed to have its attention on me.

"What the..." I whisper just above a breath.

As I continue I began notice it's jaw, if that was its jaw, move up and down. Was it trying to say something? I try to lean closer, but if I did my face would be pressed against the glass. It's words were nothing but noise in my ears as I try to understand what this thing was saying. Then all of a sudden the dark figure zoomed forward morphing into a horrific creature of darkness and leaped out at me through the orb. I screech before stumbling back and not predicting that to happen I fell flat on my butt.

"Whoa what's up with you?" I look up from underneath my hood to see Axel looking down at me with concern.

"I-I dunno the orb it ju-" I look back to the orb to show him but it was perfectly normal. As if nothing even happened. "What the..."

"Are you sure you weren't imagining it?" Axel asked as he leaned down to help me up. "I noticed you tend to be spacey a lot so maybe that was it?"

"I... yeah I guess you're right." I rub my head. Yeah my imagination must have been getting to me.

Silence loomed over us, as we stood alone in the room.

"So what did I miss in the meeting?" I asked, deciding to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"Ah boring stuff, you're lucky you got to miss it. Zexion, Lexeaus, and Vexen are stationed on the lower levels while the rest of us get topside." I watch as Axel crossed his arms over his chest.

"And how is that a bad thing?" I ask confused but Axel simply shook his head and flipped off my hood to ruffle my head.

"It's nothing you need to worry about, come on we should get going and get rest before Marluxia decides to give us something to do." I laugh at his statement before nodding and followed him through a portal he had conjured up.

"And here I thought you were worried about my health." I smile and Axel flipped the back of my hood over my head, covering my eyes for a moment.

"Hey I'm not just a baby sitter you know. I do have a life." He pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"You mean sleeping like a bum...?" I grumbled before fixing my hood so I could see underneath.

"Gasp! I'm hurt Jixll!"

"Liar." I stuck out my tongue from underneath my hood resulting in another gentle head shove.

"Watch it you."

After exiting Axel made it clear and that I had it memorized where our rooms were. Of course I'm sure I will forget about it as soon as I leave.

Once Axel left into his room I immediately made a U-turn down the hall. I had no intention of sleeping as of right now. It's always a bad habit of mine to have trouble sleeping in a new area, and this place is the very definition of new. So I decided to explore and go back to that room.

Now where was that room again?

After roaming the identical halls and finally I found the room again; at least I hope I found the room.

Knocking on the door I slowly opened it and looked over to see Naminé tirelessly drawing. She was still drawing? Shouldn't she rest her hands? At least for a little bit?

"Huh?" She looked up from her drawing over to me with confusion. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I should ask you the same. Aren't you tired from drawing all day?" I ask, closing the door behind me and I walked over and grabbed a chair before pulling it up beside her. My elbows propped up onto the table as I looked over in her direction.

"No I'm fine, really." She urged but I shook my head.

"Even if you say so, you should still rest." I offered a smile before taking the girls hands and gently sliding them down past the pad and placed the drawing pad on the table as well as her pencils.

"I'm sorry if I seem pushy but I just thought you might need rest." I smile before noticing that she was suddenly staring at me.

"Is something wrong Naminé?" I asked. Was something on my face? Knowing my luck there would be.

"Huh?" She blinked out of her thoughts before shaking her head. "No, no it's nothing." She spoke softly with a kind smile.

"Well alright if you say so," I mumble scratching the back of my head before smiling again. "I'll see you later then."

"R-right, see you later, Jixll."

After I left I wandered around until I could finally find my room and plopped onto the incredibly uncomfortable bed. It felt like lying on a thirty-year-old mattress that hadn't been used in all thirty years. I'm pretty sure there was even dust on it. Sneezing once I mumble before sitting up on the mattress and thought.

I couldn't write out my thoughts because I had left that journal back in my old room so I couldn't just write them down. Running my hands through my hair I lay back on the bed, before sitting back up and groaning. Then I entirely moved off the bed and began to pace around the room. My mind drifted to the events of today, and cringed in memory of the events that occurred with Marluxia. Quickly I began to move my mind further through the day until I remembered the orb from before. My body involuntarily shivered as the images of the dark figure flashed in my mind.

But was that exactly? None of it made sense. Maybe Axel was right. Maybe it was just because I was day dreaming too much and I ended up imagining it.

Groaning I look around in my room and notice how there weren't any windows to be found. And even though this castle had similar color schemes to the castle that never was, it was severely different. These walls were plain and all of its decorations matched with it. But in the castle that never was, it was plain in color sure, but it there was no likeness in architecture. The castle that never was' architecture was far advanced compared to the almost renaissance like architecture here. It was a nice change but for some reason I wished I was back at the castle that never was. Despite it being the home of some of the greatest assholes and villains, I felt safer there than here. Maybe it's because I know no one would try to harm one another in the castle. But now that we're here, far away from Xemnas' reach no one could stop anyone from committing treason. The thought chilled me to the bone. Despite not trusting Xemnas, despite being forced to join the organization, I know I'm safe within those walls. And now for the first time I'm being held in a different place, I suddenly don't feel safe. I don't think I will be able to sleep until I know I am...

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