Chapter 1

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A sea filled breeze drifted along the empty island. Tan sandals dipped into the white sand as they carried over to the oceans tides that teased the shore. The feet stopped and a body came crashing down onto its bottom as it stared out into the calm ocean blue.

"It's so calm….."

Tired eyes flitted up to the sky, watching the stars twinkle and they frowned.

"I wonder which one is home…. Are there people who miss me there?" The body fell back into the sand, letting the tide soak their shorts.

"No… I suppose they won't."

Distance brown eyes closed and the body drifted off to sleep.

"Hey come on!"

"No no! Come on you can do it-no!" I cried before groaning and throwing the ds into my pillow. "God damn it!" This was my 15 attempt this week! Every time, I would try to beat that god awful pirate bird in the Neverland world but I just couldn't beat it. And this is what I get for playing on the hardest mode.

Xion's forms were far easier than that-that-that thing!

I huffed before turning off the game and lay down on my bed. Shifting my head I look over to my old digital clock. 9:23 p.m., mom and dad should be coming home soon, and sadly I- a 15 year old, have to be in bed at 9 p.m. Honestly I don't understand why. I get good grades, I make good decisions, and I only screw up a few times! Sometimes I feel like I just live here. Man I wish it was next week; I could be at dad's house playing on his computer. Or just staying up late to watch anime network since it was sadly the only way I could watch any anime while still having my mom as my primary care giver.

I groan before rolling out of bed and walk out of my room and into the kitchen of the apartment that I live in. I opened the white refrigerated door and took out a gallon of milk and a slice of baloney that rested safely in my mouth. Chewing on the suspicious meat I pull out a plastic cup and pour some milk before placing it back in the fridge. While taking my first sip I turn around to spit out and screamed at the top of my lungs.

Dripping from the ceiling, dark ooze dripped and sprawled out like an octopus' tentacles reaching and spreading out. Within the center a bulge formed and an appendage dripped out from the side and waved. I screamed again. In panic I threw my milk and ran to the counter and climbed up before hugging the cabinets. I stared petrified as the milk covered ooze creature slid closer until it stood directly in front of me. "Stop screaming there are people trying to sleep!" He shushed before covering my mouth with his hand. Continuing to panic I thrash and opened my mouth only to gag. Thick ooze dripped down my throat, slimily sticking to my throat as it attempt to seep down into my stomach. I wanted to vomit. "Hey no barfing! This is my good suit!" Like he had a suit, he was ooze! I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't hold it in. my milk, my rice and beans from dinner, and that baloney I just ate spilled into his hand. He screeched and pulled back letting my stumble off the counter and groaning. "EW ew ew ew ew!" He screeched, shaking his hand trying to get the vomit out of the ooze that began to mix in with it. "So gross! I told you not to vomit!" He whined before lifting me up by the back of my shirt. "What do you have to say for yourself?!" You know those vomit burps you get? When you feel sick? Well one oh so casually belched into his face leaving him to drop me and hold his nose and mouth in agony. "Ew gross! Stop that!" He hissed before the ooze began to wrap around my queasy body. Oh I think I'm gonna be sick again…. "You need a timeout!" He barked before I felt myself sink downward. Wait wait what!? I began to panic and squirm around as my weak stomach was forgotten and fear took over.

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