Chapter 15

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Shortly we returned to the observing room and I was surprised to see Naminé there. Confused I looked around to see Marluxia conversing with Larxene. When he spotted us he smiled and walked over.

"I see you have returned. And Jixll that was very kind of you to give the hero items so that he may grow stronger and help rest before continuing onward through the floors." He commented and Larxene scoffed in response.

Not wanting to be around that man I simply nod and stay close to Axel.

"Ugh I don't see why you did that... That kid is nothing but a weakling." Larxene groaned before walking over to the couch stationed in the room and lied lazily on the soft cushions, obviously bored with this whole event.

"So why is Naminé here exactly?" Axel prompted obviously noticing the blonde girl who solemnly drew on her drawing pad.

"Oh well I realized that it wouldn't be wise to leave poor Naminé all alone, so I asked Larxene to escort her here. It is much easier to have her here and watch her from here than to travel all the way to her room." Marluxia smiled before placing his hand on Naminé's shoulder. "Right Naminé? Isn't it much easier this way?"


I frown underneath my hood. If he meant by easy for himself so he could manipulate and use her then yes it was most definitely easier.

"Now I believe it is time for everyone to get their rest now don't you think? I will stay and watch over Naminé while you all get your rest."

"But what abou-"

"Worried about the hero and his companions? Don't worry they are already resting." I look over to confirm what he says is true and my shoulders flatten.

"Oh alright..."

"Eh come on Jixll lets get going." Axel called before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leads me through a portal.

As soon as we entered, he looked over his shoulder once before facing back forward.


However he was silent as we continued to walk. Suddenly my feet stopped and so did his. The events of today suddenly rushed through my head and what I thought I knew suddenly didn't make any sense at all. I thought I knew this game's story fairly well but there was not one but two factors that shouldn't be here. First off what was that power that Marluxia wielded? I am definitely certain he cannot do something as dangerous as that. But then there's something more troubling. It was that girl traveling with Sora. Who was she? She was definitely not Kairi. Kairi never glared at anyone.

"Jixll? Come let's get going." He told me urging me to get going and I pause before nodding my head.

"... Right."

I followed Axel and soon we exited the portal and faced the entrances to our sleeping quarters.

"Rest easy Jixll."

"Ah right, you too..." I mumble before moving to the door of my room and I was about to enter, when I felt his hand rest on my shoulder. I look up and noticed his intense gaze.


"Keep your distance from Marluxia and Larxene. Something's going down and I need you to be on your guard got it memorized?" He whispered and I nodded. So he already knows about it...

"Alright but I can't guarantee anything. That jerk is like a weed." I cringe. "No matter how hard you try to get rid of it, it always comes back."

He was silent as he patted my head before he went into his room for the night and I went into mine. My body instantly fell flat onto my bed and I groaned. My body felt heavy against the stiff mattress.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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