Chapter 18

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Not many words were said after that. Besides me being yelled at for how stupid I was being by Oscar and the rest of the Santos. Latrelle didn't try to stop them because he was outnumbered and because the Santos made him leave. Said if they ever caught him with me again he was dead. I ran away again to Corey's house and he has yet again welcomed me with opening arm's. It's safe to say he was my best friend. After a while I went back home cause I missed my parents.

Ever since that day things had changed. I stopped talking to everyone. Well beside Corey and his friend's. I was part of a Mafia which basically meant I killed people for money. How else was I supposed to survive. Everyone knew I had something with Latrelle which made people question my loyalty. Made people think I knew he was going to shoot at Olivia's party.

Ruby's ok but sacred for life. Me. I felt nothing. I didn't feel sad or upset. I felt absolutely nothing. What was I supposed to feel. I worked for someone now and was trained not to feel anything. Well anything that had to do with emotions. I killed about 3 people so far which was kinda a big deal since I only been doing this for 4 weeks. It's was a big deal to me.

Soon those 3 people turned into 10. Then 19. Every month the rate goes up. You see me on most wanted list's but no one knew it was me. No one knows what I look like. I've changed and it was all Latrelle's fault. He never did answer if he shot me or not which always makes me wonder what really happened that night. Oscar seemed pretty sure it was him but how did he know I was shot. It was only really me and Latrelle that night. Plus he wasn't surprised when he heard me ask Latrelle if he shot me. Was it Oscar.

Me and Corey were walking down the street when we passed Cesar's house. All the guy's were their but I paid them no attention. "We kill and leave" I told Corey. "Like always" he rolled his eyes. "Don't do that. The boss might find out and kill you" I joked. Man couldn't get off his ass for nothing. Why else would we be doing the work. He puts our lives on the line to save his. That's just how the streets roll.

"Jade" I heard my name being called making my heart stopped. I turned to see Oscar and the guy's. "We know you had nothing to do with it" Oscar said. "I know I didn't" I said really just wanting to leave I had business to handle. I also wanted to hug them. Let them back in but I had a wall up now, but I missed them."When are you going to grow up" He said. "I'm trying. But everything I try someone is babying me and making me feel like a kid. Oh look another reason why I stopped talking to a lot of people." I said. "You stopped talking to us because we baby you" ruby said.

"Yeah some what. I know I'm only 16 and I don't pay bills and I'm not fully an adult but I'm also not a three year old who needs a babysitter. A lot of stuff changed me and I'm just seeing were it takes me" I said. Before anyone could say anything Corey came up to me. "We gotta go. People" he said being careful of his choice of words. "I gotta go" I said and with that I left. "You shouldn't push them away" Corey said. "How else am I suppose to prove myself" I questioned. This was all I knew.

After Olivia died nothings been easy. I just wish things would go back to the way they were. I seen Ruby break down because of things that reminded him of Olivia. Jamal has left me voice mails and text messages about how he needed me yet I never been there for him. After all he's done for me. "You ok" Corey asked. "No. I'm really stupid and naive" I said. "Don't beat yourself up ok. Your young and still learning."Corey said.

"Oh thank you old wise one" I joked as a car came flying past us. It stopped at the end of the block which was not to far from where we were and started reversing towards us. "That's them" Corey said causing me to pull out my gun and aim it. "What the hell. Where did you get that" Ruby yelled at me causing the Santos to turn there attention towards us. "Get down Ruby" I said before I shot one of the car tires. The car started to swerve a bit but eventually stopped. The guy's in the car got out and shot back.

Not for long though. I killed most of them and Corey killed the rest. I looked around for Ruby to find me on the ground rocking back and forth. "I'm going to get this cleaned up. Talk to him" Corey said then left. Corey had more since then me now a days. Nevertheless I went towards Ruby and sat down next to him. Immediately he held onto me causing me to hug him back.

"Please tell me your ok" Ruby said. After everything he still cared. "If course I am." I said. "I'm sorry Ruby. I should have been there for you." "I heard about what happened. You couldn't. I understand that. Just promise me one thing" Ruby said. "What's that." "Promise not to leave me anymore." Me and Ruby had a tight bond ever since we met. I love Ruby just like I love Jamal.

They were my favorite people to go to if I ever needed anything. Someone to talk to. A shoulder to cry on. Plus Ruby's mom makes the best feel better Cookie's. Me and Ruby were glued together no matter what. "I promise" I said looking him in his eyes. "Your going to explain all this later rather you like it or not. First make sure lil dude good." Oscar said causing me to smile. Then me and Ruby started to walk to his house.

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