Chapter 27

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This chapter is absolutely crazy and disturbing so read at your own risk.

I woke up to see I was laying on a bed. "Jade" I heard Savannah say. "My baby. Is the baby okay" I said immediately. "I'm so sorry. You lost the baby" she said causing my whole world to stop. "Why didn't you take me to the hospital. My baby could have been saved." I cried. "I couldn't risk you getting caught. Latrelle getting caught. I'm so sorry." Savannah said. "I don't care about getting caught. I lost my baby because of that bitch. Latrelle should learn to keep it in his pants, she should learn to close her legs and not to touch other's people boyfriends." I said getting up. "Where are you going, you need rest. You've been out for nearly 3 day's" Savannah said but that didn't stop me. I went to the room I was staying in and grabbed all my stuff including my gun.

There was no way I'm staying here. As I was walking down stairs to hear yelling. I ignored it and walked towards the door till I looked at the gun in my hand. She was going to pay. I walked towards the yelling and seen that no one realized I was in the room. I clocked the gun back and shoot both her sister and brother in the back. "Elissa, Melvin" the girl who Latrelle slept with screamed. "You crazy bitch" she said running towards me causing me to shoot her in the stomach. She fell to the ground screaming and crying. "Baby clam down" Latrelle said coming towards me so I shot him in his leg, which made him fall to the ground. "You made me lose my baby." I said crying walking towards her. "Aye get your bitch" Drake said so I shot him in the head.

"Drake baby please stay with me please" Savannah said running toward him and holding him. "Kill her" a voice in my head said. So I did. They'd be together still. I looked back at the girl who had fear in her eyes. I pointed the gun at her and shot her till there was only one bullet left in the gun. "This is your fault. If you hadn't been such a man whore none of this would have happened. I would have had my baby in 8 months. I would have been happy." I said crying yet laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "Baby please" Latrelle said trying to get up. "Who's the bitch now. Now their all dead" I continue to laugh. "Jade just fucking listen to me" he said. I turned to him just as red and blue lights started to flash through the curtains.

"The only thing left is to put you out of your misery. Should I kill you. Should I kill myself. I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you. I'll be at peace and leave you here in this horrible hell called earth. You'll be put in prison and rot." I laughed. "Police open up" a loud voice yelled. I pointed the gun at my head. "Please don't." Latrelle yelled causing the police to bust the door in. They started to fill in the room. Their eyes filled with horror when they seen the bloody scene before them. "Ma'am put the gun down. We can get you help" A officer said. I turned my attention back to Latrelle. "This is your fault. I hope this always hunts you. You'll have to live with the fact all these people are dead because of you. I'm dead because of you. Your baby is dead because of you. I hope your finally happy." I said and pulled the trigger. My body dropped to the floor and darkness was met like a warm hug.

I didn't expect for this to happen. Didn't expect me to go insane. My own baby didn't even get to see me. Just as I started to really appreciate/accept everything Latrelle and that girl had to fuck it all up. Maybe I fucked it all up by being so stupid. FoLLoWing mY HEaRt and shit. Stupid feelings. At least if I made it to heaven I'd be with my parents. Maybe my baby will be their. Maybe we are like romeo and juliet. Hood version. Only one of us survived though. This is what I get for playing around I guess. Leaving all my friends behind. This is karma for Loving a Prophet.

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