Chapter 21

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I didn't get much sleep that night. Today I got up and got ready. Today was the day I could go back to my house. I couldn't stay there which meant I would be living with Jamal and his family as they would be adopting me. Jamal wouldn't stop talking about how happy he was to have me as his new little sister. It was also decided that my sister stayed with her friend's family. I got up and did my morning routine, then got dressed.

Soon after me, Jamal, and his parents went to my house

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Soon after me, Jamal, and his parents went to my house. Well my old house. Running up the stairs I stopped looking at the spot I last held my parents. "Jade. You ok" Jamal said. "Yeah" I said then keep going to my room and got all my stuff including pictures, shoes, clothing, under garments, jewelry, hair stuff and anything else I used daily or monthly. I went to my parents room and grabbed a few of their shirts and some other stuff they said I could have when they passed. On the way out I grabbed a picture that had my parent's on it.

Soon we got back to Jamal's house and had to unpack everything into my new room. My room had 3 white walls and 1 galaxy wall and ceiling. They made my room a galaxy theme which I was actually really into. "Hey you wanna hang out with me, Cesar, Ruby, and Monse" Jamal said coming into my room. Seeing I could honestly only be around Jamal without being judged, I decided to pass. "No I think I just want to be alone for a while" I said putting the last picture in it's place. "Ok. I'll see you later and it you need anything call me" he said then left.

I wanted to go on a walk so I put on a jacket and left the house. Ending up at a park, me and Latrelle used to go to, I sat in 'our spot'. I didn't do anything till I noticed someone sit next to me. It was Latrelle. He didn't say anything. Just sort of looked at me like he was trying to read my mind. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him causing me to instantly put my head on his shoulders. Latrelle soon laid his head on mine.

"I can't let you stay here anymore. I'd rather us run than you lose someone else" He spoke softly. "I have this figured out ok. I just want you to trust me" he said. "Police" " What" "What about the police. There going to come looking for us. For different reasons but everyone will know we left in the next 24 hours. We'd have to hide" I said holding him close to me. "We can handle police. We can handle money. We can handle whatever it is. I want to be with you forever but I can't do that here." Latrelle said.

"Ok. What's the plan." I said. "Well the school year is almost over So we'll leave after you finish your sophomore year. Till then we move a little clothes at a time and save up money. I'll handle the car. All I need you to do is save as much a possible" he said. "Ok" I said. "Come here" he said pulling me even closer and giving me a long kiss. "After the next few months well be free. It's going to be hard and things aren't always going to go good but we'll get through it. I promise" he said and kissed me again.

My mom would probably say I'm crazy. This is a bit risk but it will be worth it. I mean the ones I love won't be a target and I don't have to worry about someone getting shot because of me. I'll have to talk to Corey about this. "I'll see you later I'm going to go talk to Corey about this" I said about to get up. "Why should he get involved. Do you like him or something." Latrelle said standing up too. "Don't even try me." I said walking away going to Corey's house.

Knocking on the door three time's it opened. "Hey Jade" Corey said letting me inside. "Hey Corey". "You ok. I know a lots been going on" He started. "Yeah I'm good. I just wanted to know if there were anymore missions or anything" I said. "Yeah there's a ton. We didn't want to do them without you. Plus these people aren't that important." He explained. "Also I umm.. I plan on leaving" I said. "What. Why?"

"I just wanted to get away from here. I don't want anyone to worry about me because it makes me feel like a burden. Plus I can't watch the people I love drop dead one by one" I said. "Well I'm sure the boss will have other targets where ever you go so he can always send them to you. I don't know if you will be working alone or with another group though" Corey said. I hugged him. "Thank you for everything. You've done so much for me. If you ever need anything call me ok." I said.

"As long as your safe I'm good. I really care about you. Your like a little sister to me." He said patting my head. "Your like a brother to me" I laughed slapping his hand away. "Come on. Let's go meet up with the guys and talk about these target's" he said grabbing his keys and pulling my hand towards his car.

For the rest of the school year I juggled homework, studying, working with the gang, unnecessary drama, and having to look Jamal's family in the eye knowing I was going to up and leave after school was out. It was hard but I had to do what I had to do.

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