Chapter 13

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~~Shinsou POV~~

"Wait, so you came to find me?" "Of course! I heard Monoma and Vlad talking about how you had left, but didn't want to, so I came to get you! Now you can come back with me!"

Well, we may go faster with Eri, she does know these woods better than I do, and my phone died, i've been going in the general direction the GPS was pointing me in. And I need to get her back as fast as possible, so that she isn't left behind when the fairies evacuate. "Alright. I was trying to get back anyways." "Well this sure isn't the right way! Why are you traveling so close to the road? It's much faster to go straight through the woods! It's also faster if you jump in the treetops, from branch to branch, you can get up there right?" "Oh, yeah, i can get up there. It that really the fastest way?" "yeah! It's as close as I can get to flying long distance." "Alright, let's go then." I say, heading to a nearby tree and scaling the trunk.

~ time skip ~

We've been traveling by treetop for about 20 minutes and Eri says that we're only another 4 hours away. She wasn't lying when she said that this way is much faster, even if it is a lot more tiring.

We stop for a few minutes to eat some granola bars, then keep moving. Eri's getting a lot better at flying, practicing as we move. She's even managed to catch me a few times when I miss the branch I'm aiming for. It's not the easiest for her, so I'm trying to not fall as much as possible, but she's got lightning fast reflexes. And she's taking longer leaps between the branches, and pausing between them only because I can't move as fast as her. I've only known her for such a short period of time, but I can't help but feel proud.

And I can't imagine how the others must feel.

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~~Monoma POV~~

A note?

"Dear friends,

I'm going to go find Shinsou. I know that you guys have been very worried since he left, that the workers are going to cut down the forest, and that's why we need him back. I'll see you guys soon.


"She's gone to find Shinsou?! Oh my god, what if she gets hurt?! How is she going to find him, he must be hundreds of miles away by now, what if she-" Nejire and Mirio were cut off by Tamaki. "She survived alone for who knows how long before we found her. I'm sure she'll be fine." Mirio was still very clearly devastated. "But What if she can't find her way back? What if-" "Mirio! Stop worrying, she'll be fine! I'm the most paranoid and afraid out of all of us, and here you are, worrying about a girl who is fully capable of handling herself! If i can believe in her, than it should be no problem for you two!" Tamaki snapped. I've never heard him yell like that. I don't think many others have either. The only one who wasn't completely taken aback was Mirio, and he still looked a little shocked. "... you're right. She'll be fine." Mirio answered. "I'm sure of it."

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