Chapter eight

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~~Shinsou POV~~

It's been three days.


And still no one else agreed to help us.maybe it's time to go to dad about it? I heard monoma say that the invisible to some humans spell can be temporarily removed but it takes a while. We may not have that kind of time but it's the only chance we've got. I decide to ask Monoma about it.

"We need to figure out how to undo the invisibility spell. It's the only way we'll convince anyone else to help us." "alright. Let's go" he lead me off down the bramble tunnels and into the clearing at the other end. We then veered right and came towards the actual village. It was just like in the dream, but it was filled with life. Brightly glowing patches of luminescent fungi that seem to almost glitter, lanterns glowing with the light of candles, and fairies flitting too and fro with baskets of goods, guiding their children, or just playing.

It was so much more beautiful than the damp, lifeless version I saw in my dream.

I saw Kendo and Testu, and they must have noticed us, because they floated down to us with cheerful expressions which soon changed once they saw how grim Monoma must have looked. I was still completely awe-struck at the sight before me. I snapped out of it as Monoma started speaking to them though. "We need to find vlad. He'll know how to take the invisibility spell." "I know where he is, i'll take you to him." kendo replied. They started to fly upwards, but stopped, seemingly realizing that I'm human and can't fly. "Oh, right. Who wants to carry him?" kendo asked. I was confused. "Wait, aren't there stairs? I've seen a few sets of them, why don't we just take those?" "it'll take too long, and there aren't any stairs as high as we need to go." Testu retorts. "I'll carry him, he can't be that heavy. He's only a little taller than me." Monoma steps up.

Monoma wraps his arms around me and lifts off, moving in an almost straight line upwards. He's right, I'm not that heavy he doesn't seem to have any problem carrying me at all. After about a minute of flying upwards we stopped and landed on a platform of sorts, around one of the tree houses. The doorway is covered by a sheet of small vines with soft, almost furred leaves. We walk through to a small, cozy room. "Hey! Vlad we need you help." just then, a fairy walked out from another room. "What? Did you kids lose the- ohwhatthefuck! Why did you bring a human here?!" he yelled. Kendo, Tetsu and Monoma were all surprisingly calm. It was Monoma who responded first. "His name is Shinsou, and he has been helping me try to stop the humans threatening to cut down the forest with a partial success rate. We believe the main reason the humans won't believe him is because most of them cant see me. We came in hopes of some insight on how to remove the invisibility spell." he was so formal. The older fairy, called Vlad,'s expression calmed instantly. "Oh, is that it? I can whip up something for that right now, it'll only be a few minutes." with that, he returned behind the sheet of vines from which he came, and returned a few minutes later, as promised, with a few small bottles filled with a thick violet liquid.

I've noticed that fairies move float than fly, though their wings have to be spread to do so. I noticed this as we were descending back towards the forest floor, because none of the three fairies i was flying with had flapped their wings even once, other than to change direction. We soon reached the ground, the bottles safely stored, the anti-invisibility one in Monoma's belt pouch, the other four in my small backpack. I had almost forgotten that I had it on, and i'm glad i remembered, because i was suddenly really hungry, so I was lucky I always carry around a granola bar or something in that bag.

We walked back while i finished my granola bar. I'm getting used to the thorn tunnel, avoiding the worst scratches. We emerged in the same spot we always do, a few paces north of the willow tree we sat in before we had to get serious about stopping the cutting. Those days were nice. It's hard to believe that it was only a few weeks ago that we met, Monoma and I.

Anyways, we had to go convince the other workers, and then my father. Monoma drank his potion before going up to our current supporters. "It's time." was all he said. With that we all walked to one of the cabins closest the main gathering area, and made our way onto the roof. Bakugou handed me and Monoma megaphones.

"Excuse me! We have an announcement!" I yelled. "All of you wouldn't believe me when I said that there were fairies in this forest, so I brought one back! Come one Monoma." he stepped up.

Just then there was a shout from the group below.

"How do we know that's not just some kid in cosplay?" I wasn't sure of who it was, but frankly, I didn't care. "Alright! Monoma, why don't you fly for them? If they don't believe me, then maybe they'll believe their own eyes!"

At this Monoma spread his wings, which in itself earned some gasps. He then slowly ascended into the air, and hovered about eight feet above the roof of the cabin. At this the workers erupted into a series of shouts and questions. "How the hell is he doing that?!" "that Shinsou kid was for real? There really are fairies?" "Oh my god that kid is really a fairy!" and others like that.

We had gained a lot of supporters today. Actually, the entire force of the builders was with us, after that. Now all that remained was to convince my father, but for now, lets celebrate what we've done so far. With all of the builders on our side, we can spare a night.

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