Chapter eleven

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~~Monoma POV~~

oh shit Eri's missing!

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~~Shinsou POV~~

More walking.

That's all I've been doing for the last six hours. I stopped to eat a granola bar and drink some water a little while back, but that's it.

It's boring.

Very. VERY. boring.

I know I shouldn't be saying that, considering the reason i'm doing this is because I'm trying to stop my dad from murdering hundreds, if not thousands, of fairies, but walking for this long is still. Incredibly. Boring. I check my phone to see if I'm almost there. 40 more miles. That's about 14 more hours, if I'm walking at a place that'll conserve energy, while still keeping me moving. I'm also gonna need to stop for water or food sooner or later. So, I've still got a long way to go. At some point or another i start to sing a song Monoma and Eri taught me a little while back.

"There will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword,

he will tear your city down,

O lei, o lai, o lord.

O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord,

he will tear you city down, o lei o lai o lord.

There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word,

he will slay you with his tongue,

O lei, o lai, o lord.

O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord,

He will slay you with his tongue, o lei, o lai, o lord.

There will come a ruler, who brow is laid in thorn,

Smeared with oil like david's boy,

O lei, o lai, o lord.

O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord,

Smeared with oil like david's boy, o lei, o lai, o lord.

O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord,

He will tear your city down,

O lei o lai o-"

Something snapped behind me. I whipped around, only to find that it was only a chipmunk. Nothing to be worried about. Unless... I looked up to the tree canopy, where i spotted,,, nothing. There was nothing there. Nobody following me. Why would there be? I'm not doing anything worth being followed, just walking almost unstopping through the woods. And i'm a kid. Maybe that would cause someone to follow me. But i'm not being followed, just being paranoid.

~ timeskip ~

It's been another four hours. I got a text from my mom, asking where I was. I said that I had walked over to a friends house and stayed there for at least a day or two. Then he asked about the car. I answered that it had been there when I left, and that it must have been stolen, which is technically true... anyways. She wasn't worried, at least I hope not. I don't need people searching for me right now.

Ten more hours. Ten more hours.

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~~Monoma POV~~

Knock knock.

"Yeh? Oh, Monoma! What's wrong? You need me?" mina answered the door to the bakusquad's cabin. "I need you to round up the bakusquad, and Tsuyu, if you can find her. We need to find eri and train you guys." "what? What do you mean train?" "we're gonna fight. Whether that means going and convincing Shinsou's dad, or actually attacking. Probably attacking. I want you on our side. I... don't want to end up killing you." She looked absolutely terrified, but somewhere deep beneath all of that fear, there was a sparkle of determination in her eyes. "Alright. We're gonna need some sort of weapon to fight though. Something that can deflect bullets. There's no doubt that the authorities will be brought into this, once we attack." "we've got armor, don't worry. Now can you find the others? I'll get Midoriya and Todoroki." "ok."

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