chapter two

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(A.N. - the chapters will get longer i promise! the first few i wrote i split up so that they were shorter, but i'm working on some longer ones!)

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~Nobody POV~

Shinsou almost fell out of the tree. What he found when he turned around was a blond boy who seemed to be about Shinsou's age. He seemed normal enough. Until shinsou saw them. The boy had sparkling iridescent blue wings, shaped like some odd combination of those of a dragonfly and those of a butterfly. The wings fluttered slightly. "What? You never seen a fairy before?" the blond boy said. "A.. fairy..?" Shinsou said. "Umm, yeah, you can see me right in front of you right? I see you"

Ok, so fairies are real. That's cool, i guess.

"Hey, buddy? You good? You're kinda zoning out" the fairy said waving his hand in front of Shinsou's face. "Oh, sorry. Wait, who are you, why did you decide to talk to me of all people?" "i am Neito Monoma of the fairies. I chose to talk to you, my new human friend, because you seem to also hate these workers" he said smiling an almost maniac, but somehow still kinda reassuring and welcoming smile. "What's your name?" "i'm Hitoshi. Shinsou." Monoma smiled his weird smile again. "well, Shinsou, what about that bucket?" "oh yeah! But, it should be filled with something like soda, not water. I don't have the soda right now, i'm gonna have to go buy some, but that can be tomorrow's prank" the purple haired boy replied.

"It's set then, we meet at this tree, tomorrow, at noon. Then we prank the hell outta these ass-hats."

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282 words 

posted at 6:12 pm where i am. i'm about to go eat some dinner, and then watch the dark crystal show! that should be fun. anyways, goodnight!

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