Chapter nine

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~~Shinsou POV~~

"Your going home. Today."

This was what i woke up to, my father leaning over my face, with half my belongings already packed in bags and suitcases. "What?!" a yelled, bolting straight upwards, almost headbutting my dad. "I said, your leaving today. That rucus you caused yesterday, not funny. I can't have you interfering with what i'm doing anymore."

That's it. Everything that we've done, all we accomplished yesterday, gone. Just like that. I'm being sent home. I jump out of bed and run for the door, pushing my father out of the way. I dashed towards the willow tree in my pajamas, tears beginning to stream down my face. Like the other day, I scaled the tree in record time.

"Monoma! Oh my god Monoma i'm being sent home!" I yelled, tears falling like a waterfall. "What?" he called, jumping down from a higher branch. "They're sending me away Monoma! We didn't stop the cutting! Ohmygodmonomayou have to get out of here! They're gonna- they're gonna-!" I trailed off, giving in to the sobs that were racking my body. Monoma just sat there, frozen solid, as if turned to stone out of shock. "They're what?! Oh my gods..." we sat there for a good while, the only sound being that of my slowly quieting sobs. "I'm leaving today. I- i'm sorry! I failed, its my fault that your home is getting destroyed and- and I don't want you to get hurt! Your one of my only friends, and now you might die and it's my fault! I'm so sorry! I'm so- i'm-" "hey." Monoma said. "It's not your fault. We tried. So we didn't succeed, it's not like I didn't have a plan b. We can evacuate to a safer part of the forest, away from your fathers building. And i'll come find you, when you come back. I'll bring you to the new fairy village, and you can live with us. It'll be alright, i won't let anyone die." "P-promise?" "I promise."

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short one!

340 words

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