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ALTHOUGH the scary dreams had not returned, I did not step out of the house without my purse. And the knife I always had in it. It had become my friend. 

Tomorrow was the benefit Zara invited me for but I don't know why I felt goosebumps as I dressed for work that morning. I felt so tired because I had read late into the night on my computer, researching some new antidotes to some medical condition in preparation of my thesis paper. So understandably, I was tried. I took my time dressing and eating breakfast, although I didn't eat much. 

At the end of that day, I eventually found out that it was a good thing.

I'm curious by nature but because of the city I live in, I learnt to curb my curious side. I wanted to hail a taxi and head for work when I noticed a crowd toward the rear of my building. 

I just had to find out what everyone was looking at. I pushed past people and at the centre of the circle lay my neighbour. The nice spooky one that flagged a taxi for me only a few days ago. Dear God! What is this world turning to? 

Just then, our never efficient police entered the picture and were looking for witnesses to question. I offered to help as medical laboratory personnel. I pulled out my gloves from my hand-bag and we were lifting the body onto the gurney when I noticed a brown paper jacket in the shrub not far from the body. He probably went job hunting when this misfortune befell him.

 Poor guy! I called the attention of the photographer who captured it on film before it was taken in as evidence. As the officer picked up the envelope carefully not to offset its contents. Something fell out. It was a picture of me. Nude! I threw up in the shrub away from the corpse.

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