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On this beautiful Monday morning, Jane was already elbow-deep in pictures and all sorts of stories. The weekend had been a busy one for her and she had hardly rested before another week started. It was barely 10.45 a.m when she remembered that she had not had her morning tea yet. She called her secretary via the intercom.

"Yes ma'am", her secretary walked in whip-alert.

"Please, I need some tea. You know I can't function without it. And my in-basket needs sorting out. You can call one of the office assistants to do that. I need you to type these up for me", she said and pushed some papers towards her. She had just rewritten an entire story. "And I can't find my glasses in this mess that is called my desk. Can you do that for me before you go?" she asked sweetly knowing that her secretary was fond of her.

"Of course, I'd look for it then get along. But first, let me get your tea. You need to ease up on yourself", she cautioned. "The week is yet young". She smiled and gently walked over to her desk to drop the files. Jane heard her calling an assistant on the intercom. She was so efficient so that she said a small prayer for having hired her. 

She stood up from her desk and walked over to look out of her window barefoot and did not know when her secretary walked back in with till she called out. So lost in thought was she.

"Tea", she announced setting it down on the small coffee table in front of the couch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you", she apologised. "You looked so peaceful. The scenery must have been soothing!"

"Scenery?" Jane croaked. "That's such a joke! It's just people going about their day's activities typical of a Monday"

She did not respond and set about clearing my desk. She knew how Jane wanted everything laid out. Everything was arranged in neat rows and she put her glasses on the pile. She had sorted out Jane's pile of rubble. She left so quietly that Jane did not even know when she went out. She massaged her temples with her thumbs. 

 She was starting to feel the stirrings of a headache and weekly briefings were by 2 p.m. She had just about two hours to gather her notes and herself and pen down the points that would be up for discussion.

She could not help feeling like 'plain Jane' sometimes who was only fortunate to land the job. Her mother had turned into a persistent matchmaker and she had whined about her single status all through yesterday's family dinner. She wished she had skipped but it was always a joy to see her nieces and nephews. She had had no previous experience prior to getting this job. 

She had studied Microbiology at the university and after her Youths Corps had bagged a Master's degree in Environmental Microbiology. Landing the job had been a big deal for her because she had zero experience in professional writing and other job vacancies asked of a minimum of five years' experience. Haha! The only experience she had was housekeeping as a result of having to care for her younger ones. She had little interest in science but she knew she could excel if she decided to pursue it. She chose instead to develop a career in writing which is all she had always wanted.

The phone startled her out of her musings. Her secretary informed her that a designer was waiting to see her. She had forgotten that she had an appointment. She straightened up her dress as she stood up from the coffee table and padded barefoot back to her table. She plunked in her chair and slipped her feet into her $74 shoes. One last mirror check and she was ready to receive the designer. She buzzed her secretary cum PA who in turn sent the designer in.

She stood up to shake his hand. "Good afternoon Mr Uche. Please seat", she said extending a hand to the chair facing her desk.

"Thank you", he replied with a smile and I noticed that he had dimples in both cheeks. Time to interview him before she got carried away, she thought with a small smile on her lips.

"So do you have any idea what this is about?" she asked generally using both hands to form a steep temple in front of her.

"Hmm... a bit. Maybe I should start by telling you how I started designing".

She nodded for him to proceed.

"I was not quite ten years old when I started paying close attention to the catwalk on cable TV. The television was my best friend and all those colours just drew me. So between classes I started to see how I could correct the mistakes I perceived in those dresses I saw and I started to sketch. I didn't think of it as anything. Although", he paused looking sheepish," I did not fully understand what I was drawing. 

Sketches regularly turned up in my homework and I sometimes got carried away drawing that my teacher had to call my mother telling her to keep them for me perhaps, it would be useful someday. I guess that someday is today", he paused to breathe deeply as if he was underwater. "I've definitely upgraded my style since childhood and I'm way better than I used to be. My resume says it all", he finished.

"So you have never had a fashion exhibition before?"

"I have not. I tried to team up with other designers in the past and it didn't quite become a reality. I guess it just wasn't the time."

"When I saw your designs, I liked them. But", she paused dramatically and she could see that he was sitting at the edge of his chair. She picked up a pen from the glass box on her gleaming table and drummed a tuneless song. He was hanging on to what she was about to say. "We do not routinely showcase fresh talent."

His face had fallen and he sunk into his seat. "However in your case", she rushed on "we are going to make an exception giving you the media attention you need and perhaps you could work with us on contract", she paused for him to absorb all she had said.

"What do you think?" she finally asked. He did an unexpected, unprofessional thing. He punched the air with his fist exuberantly. She could see that he was overjoyed.

"Yes, yes", he said with smiles. "I can't help that I'm so happy. This is the big break I've been waiting for", he said apologetically.

She smiled. "You should see the contract first before you decide", Janet cautioned, always the businesswoman. "I am taking a risk with you and I hope you will not disappoint me", she said. She stood up at that point to show that the meeting had ended.

Following her cue, he also stood up and said: "Let me thank you by taking you out to dinner".

"I do not mix business with pleasure", Janet said a little sharply.

"Technically, we haven't started business together yet although we would, soon. It would be my honour for a beautiful woman to dine with me. But please, don't say no", Uche begged.

"Alright then, dinner it is. And just so you know I might be all business", Janet warned.

"No problem", he answered. "I prefer Eloise because it's serene. Is 6.30 p. m fine?" he asked.


"I would need your house address so that I can come to pick you."

"That would be a bother. I can find my way there. It's not too far from where I live."

"Thank you ma'am", he said and bowed over her outstretched hand. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She thought he would kiss her hand and she shivered slightly. Instead, he placed his other hand over hers warmly. She struggled to find the words.

"You're welcome. Have a nice day!" She gave nothing away with her smile. He must think she looked so confident, she thought to herself.

"You too", he said and backed out of her office. She found that her legs were shaking so that she had to sit heavily in her chair. She heaved a sigh. She rolled around in it for minutes thinking of his closely cropped hair, soft hands that looked like he had never done a full days' work, his dimpled cheek (those dimples that could make her drool), even his perfume and then she heard an outer door bang as if in a dream and then she sighed. 

She was shocked to see that she had only 30 minutes before her meeting was due to start. She could not keep all the other contributing editors waiting so she rushed through some documents on her desk and left her office with three minutes to spare.

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