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I had always liked my work but I also felt it was not challenging me in ways I expected. I felt that my work had become a routine and it was easy for me to make mistakes since I felt a certain level of confidence. I took pride in my work so I tried not to make mistakes. I place myself on a pedestal.

Because I had given my word to Mary, I tried my best to hurry up with my work. 

It was 5:30 pm when I finally felt I could leave everything with the lab assistants. I packed up my bag and I was sorting out and compartmentalizing everything in my head. 

I did not think I would have time to get a dress at this time of the day so instead, I hurried home to take a long hot soak in my tub. I hailed a taxi outside my office and told him to take the shortest route possible. I got home in record time and I was digging through my handbag for my keys when I bumped into the newest tenant in the lobby.

"Sorry", I quickly apologized. "I didn't see you coming", I said.

"No problem. Welcome", he offered and still held my arm where he had caught me.

I shook my hand slightly for him to release my arm. "Thank you", I said smiling. I turned in a hurry to continue up the stairs before he had a chance to say any other thing to delay me.

"Hold up a bit", he hurried after me. "There's going to be a party not too far away from here. All the occupants are invited of course", he added.

I hesitated a bit. I did not want to fraternize with these people half-heartedly. I was not the party type.

"Let me think about it but I'm usually choked up with work and it would be wrong to commit myself if I can't make it", I said a little lamely.

"Alright, I understand working woman"; he laughed at his own joke. "But I'd keep reminding you and I would drop an invitation for you".

"No problem. Thank you", I rushed away. I had almost said 'See you around' and then I remembered at the last minute I did not want that to sound like an encouragement. I did not even know his name and I laughed at myself as I opened my door deftly with one hand. I closed and locked the door behind me as was my habit and as I dropped my bag on the glass table by the door; I bowed my head to say a quick prayer.

I wish my day had ended already. I usually had lazy evenings and most times left work by 6:30 pm or so. Dinner was usually on a television tray watching my favourite cable station. I loved fashion and loved to order my dresses from my favourite costumier as soon as something caught my eye.

I rushed into the room pulling off my clothes before I got in. I just dumped them on the chair beside my bed. I pressed the switch for the water heater and slipped into the bath. I adjusted the taps to the temperature I could stand. The shower was quick because I usually took my time applying make-up. I hummed to myself as I padded around my room with just slippers. Ha! The joys of living alone-total freedom!

I tried on three dresses before I finally settled on what I would wear – a cream coloured floor-length dress with sequins at the neck. I pulled off the tag and I was amused that I spent so much on a dress that I found no use for since I bought it. I pulled out the simple band I always used on my hair whenever I was working and I spritzed my hair and brushed it in record time. I applied my make-up expertly in twenty minutes and all I needed to complete my look was a bracelet for my right wrist. 

I found a silver bracelet in my jewellery drawer and a silver-coloured wrist watch to match. I left my neck bare and found my favourite bottle of perfume on my dressing table. I used it liberally. I didn't want to kill myself in my floral scent. 

Now shoes to wear... I had so many and I was confused with what I was to wear and everything appealed to me. I wanted mint green sandals to go with it. I had a purse that matched it perfectly. I was ready to take on the evening.

I prepared strong coffee in case the guy was boring, I didn't want to fall asleep (but I could yawn until he got the message). I remembered my mobile phone. My Blackberry device was already filled with Mary's mails when I pulled it out from the deep confines of my handbag. I scrolled through the messages while sipping my coffee. She had given me several missed calls. I had 20minutes more. I returned Mary's call and she picked up on the first ring.


"Hey, you! I've called your phone and now I've got a low battery. Where are you? Where did you drop your phone? Have you left home?" she asked breathlessly.

"OMG! Hot and fast. Hold up while I answer you", I laughed. Typical Mary! I guess she was still getting dressed because she sounded breathless and I could hear some background noise. "I'm at home and I forgot to remove my phone from my bag. But I'm getting ready to leave home now", I concluded.

"Well I just left home", she announced punctuated her statement by slamming her car door. "Get your behind down here in time", she added ominously.

"Your majesty, I've just called for my carriage. I would be with you before 1900hours", I was giggling and she could hear it from my voice.

"Heard", she laughed and we clicked off.

I would see her soon anyway.

By then, I had finished my coffee. A quickdash into the kitchen and I was on my way out the door. Three minutes later, Iwas in a taxi headed to the other part of town.

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