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She had always fantasized about killing her father. "Should the beast not die?" she asked herself silently. But sadly, she thought, she did not possess any gun. In fact, she was scared of guns. She always drove herself hard as if she had to atone for unknown sins. 

Something had been gnawing at her making her restless for the past two days. She just couldn't place a finger on it. She thought about taking herself out for a treat and then decided against it. She thought of calling Robin even Victor but she didn't want to sound needy. 

 She stood up and walked to her kitchen in her slippers and made herself a cup of tea with sugar to feel better. While the water was boiling, she searched the fridge for her cookie jar and eventually found it on the worktop. 

She had just munched the first one when she heard a knock on the door. 

She wasn't expecting anyone. She was careful not to make a sound as she walked over to the door to look through the peephole. Robin! Her heart leapt involuntarily. 

She went to her bedroom door to make it appear as if she had been inside and then she called out, "Who is it?"

"Robin", came the reply.

She quietly unbolted the deadlock and let him in. She turned the key and locked the door and then hugged him silently. He hugged her back then released her but she wouldn't let him go.

"April, what's the problem? What happened? , he murmured into her ears.

"Nothing", she released him and then returned to her cookie jar. "I'm just a little lonely. Tired of my own company", she let out a nervous laugh.

"So why didn't you at least call me or send me a text?" he asked quizzically and folded his arms over his chest.

"Honestly, I thought of it and then I discarded the idea. I'm a big girl", she said and fixed her non-existent muscles. She walked into the kitchen and turned off the cooker, brought out two cups and made tea for them.

"Okay big girl", he said and sat at the kitchen table. "What's for dinner because I'm hungry? Very hungry", he said and his stomach growled and they both laughed.

"Ok hungry man, should we order out or cook noodles? It is the fastest food I can think of."

"Do you have spaghetti?" he asked.

"I think so. Worst case, the last carton of 'hungry-man' noodles won't be exhausted", she replied with a thought flashing in her head that she would not want to make him a 'replacement' just because Victor was out of the picture. But walked over to the cupboard to check. "Yes", she confirmed with her eyes glowing like a love-struck teenager.

"So how about you put the spaghetti on low heat, then we both go downstairs to get a bottle of your favourite red wine."

"Okay. No problem. Drink your tea before it gets cold.

She rinsed out a non-stick cooking pot and filled it with clean water and placed it on the cooker to boil while she drank her tea. They remained in companionable silence. 

He knew there was something that bothered her but he didn't want to press more than necessary. So he watched her beneath his lashes but did not know what to make of the expressions flitting across her face.

He finished his tea and rinsed out his cup. And in one swipe, claimed the cookie jar as his own. 

He grinned. "Gotcha!" he said triumphantly. He knew her habits, she ate comfort food whenever she was unhappy and she had been at the cookie jar since he came in. She seemed to be intent on emptying the jar.

She smiled and swat at him with the spatula she held. "Give me that. It's mine", she whined.

"Oh no! You're going to blow up if you don't ease up with the junk food. You don't need these calories", he said and made a face at her.

She turned down the corners of her mouth in exaggerated sadness and he burst out laughing. "Big girl like you, that face is not going to get me so try again" he picked up one of the cookies and gave it a microscopic stare before popping it into his mouth. He rolled his eyes as she watched him intently. She was lost in thought.

"I had almost forgotten the delight of chocolate chip cookies," he said

She grunted in reply and he just laughed some more. She turned down the knob of the cooker and picked up a shopping bag.

"I'm set," she said and handed him the keys to the door.

They set out into the balmy evening air and he tried to make small talk as they strolled hand in hand.

"I know you are not enjoying this weather", he said with a twinkle in his eyes. "Or are you?"

"It gets better. I'm learning how to get used to it again. After all, I was born here".

"Getting used to it by staying indoors? Way to go April!" He said and they laughed.

"Well, I don't have anything to do outside the house. You don't expect me to go strolling in the mid-day heat", she turned to look at him questioningly.

"Besides, how did you know that I was indoors throughout? You've taken to spying on me?"

He tapped his temple with his finger "I'm a psychic. You don't even know anything about me young woman, no big girl". She gave him a playful punch on the arm.

"Come on. Give it up! You had to find out someway".

"Okay before you maim me", he winked. "You looked relaxed and distracted when I came in. And your purse wasn't on the table close to the door. Hmmm ... What else? Your hair looked too dishevelled for you to just be coming in from someplace", he paused. "Should I continue? See I know you".

They walked along in silence enjoying the sounds of the evening. They were close to the store when he thought of how to broach the subject of her worry.

"April, what's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You told me about your break up. Shouldn't there have been a reason for splitting up?"

She breathed deeply with a sad look in her eyes.

"I wish you really did know me. I'd tell you over dinner. Let me grab a basket", she dodged away at the entrance before he could question her further. They quickly got what she needed and got home before their dinner turned to mush.

Author's note

Hi guys. Is the story making any sense? 

I want to know if you find it easy to understand. Is it interesting or is it dragging?

Tell me if the story meets your expectations and we can chat about the story. 

I'll expect your comments and suggestions on how to make it a more interesting read.

Until then, 



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