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 Because he had no viewings for that morning, Robin slept with abandon. He had not had a fitful nights rest in a long time and this time he slept for more than four and a half hours. He woke up a little more refreshed than he usually did. He managed to drop his feet to the floor. Now he was awake enough to walk to his door and open the door for his cleaning lady.

"Morning ma'am", he greeted as he opened the door.

"Son, you must have been out cold, because I was out here knocking for a while but I knew you were home when my key didn't enter the lock". That was her answer to his greeting.

But he was fond of her and couldn't help smiling at her. He went to the countertop and rummaged for the things to make his coffee.

"Let me allow you to work ma'am", he said without turning. "Just lock the door with your key on your way out".

"Done and done", she replied. "But you better learn how to eat proper food. You need those calories because you ain't got enough meat on them bones", she said.

She always sounded like she had come out of a black American movie to him.

"Yes ma'am", he said by note. He ducked under the open cabinet cupboard over the sink and got hit by it. "Ouch!"

"Serves you right for leaving it open. You could have plucked my eye out with that open cupboard", she ducked but moved closer to access the damage the cupboard did.

"This won't put you down. Run along to your room and drink up this coffee. It'll put you to right to sleep. And you will be right as rain when you wake up".

"Yes, ma'am. Right as rain!" he intoned but made a beeline for his room. She was the mother he had lost and he could not fathom what he did right that fate smiled on him and sent him this substitute mother. Anyway, they were both happy with the arrangements; she got paid and his house was clean. 

Mrs N as she liked to be called was just a friendly old lady with a big heart. 

He thanked the good fortune who had brought her his way. He sat back down on his bed and dropped his coffee. He picked his phone to call April but got 'error in connection' for his efforts. This blasted network! He fumed silently after four tries. He lay back on the bed and promptly dozed off leaving his coffee to get cold.

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