Christian Yelich, You are One Crazy Dude.

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When Maddy drops Christian and me off back at home, we stumble into the house together. Both of us seem to be using the other for support as we get in at about three am, just after closing time. You know, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here? It was in our best interest to go home, given our intoxicated state. Christian's booming laugh seems to come out of nowhere as he flops down on our couch. "We won the fucking World Series, and it's the Brewers' 50th anniversary. That shit is WILD, JJ."

Laughing at his jumbled-up words, I hold my hand out to him. I'm apparently a little bit soberer than him. I intended to help him back up so we could head to bed, but that's quickly gone as he pulls me down on top of him, both of us laughing loudly without a care in the world. "We're like the Bey and Jay-Z of sports," I tell him, in between fits of laughter.

"Damn fucking straight," Christian replies, his words slurred together as his eyes are closed with a smile. He's probably going to be out pretty quick here. My giggles continue as I'm unable to contain them as the smile remains planted on Christian's face, "Jailyn, whatever the fuck your middle name is, James, I am in love with you, and I don't even care anymore. You're such a fucking legend, dude, and I'm so glad you live with me. And! I am in love with you."

My giggles come to a soft stop as I look at his face. "Christian Yelich, you are one crazy dude."

Pinching my eyes together, a small groan escapes me as the pounding on our door heightens the pounding in my head. The fact I didn't roll, or get pushed, off of Christian, is a testament to how drunk we'd been last night. The pounding on the door starts again as I stand up, knives being sent through my head.

Stumbling my way to the door, my mouth is still a little fuzzy, indicating there's probably still a good amount of alcohol in my system. Ignoring how blindingly bright the sun is, Maddy's perky smile lets herself in before commenting, "I brought Pedialyte."

"Honest to god, I can't tell if you're shouting or not," I tell her, heading towards my kitchen. Trusting Maddy to follow, I pull out one of the barstools at the island and sit, putting my head down on the cool counter, shutting out as much light as I can.

"Damn, Jai, you really went hard last night, didn't you? How much do you even remember?" Maddy asks as I hear the cracks of the bottle of Pedialyte opening.

Squinting as I look up at her, "Pretty much everything I think. There's a little grey area for a while in the club, but I remember coming home and everything."

"Well, I'm glad you weren't full-on blacked out. I was kind of anticipating that with where you were for a while," Maddy laughs, "Jenna was worried about you. She called me since you weren't answering your phone."

"My agent?" I ask. I didn't realize she'd had Maddy's number. My phone is probably still in my bag, wherever that is.

"Yeah, she asked me to do a wellness check," Maddy replies, chuckling, as she grabs a glass out of my cabinet. "Only you would need one after your not boyfriend wins the World Series and World Series MVP."

"Shut up," I tell her, watching as she figures out my fridge and freezer to find some ice. The ice hitting the sides of the glass sounds like someone is slamming symbols together next to my ears. Honestly, I should try and puke to get what I can out of my system.

"Drink the whole thing," She all but demands, making me shake my head. Rolling my eyes, I grab the glass and try to chug as much of it as I can. Shit tastes like ass, but to be fair, most things would, right now. Nearly as soon as I finish the glass, she takes it and starts pouring out another.

Any other time my attention would've immediately been pulled to the front door with the knock, but I'm a bit preoccupied now with Maddy trying to mother me. Whoever it is obviously is okay with letting themselves in as I hear the door shut. "Alright, drink," Maddy says, sliding the glass over to me again. At least I've still got my reflexes going for me. Had I missed it, we'd have a mess to clean up. Well, she would. My subtle glare doesn't go unnoticed as she chuckles while I try to down the second glass.

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