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The next morning was difficult. Not only was it heating up, there wasn't any food and still very little water. When that happens, usually people fight. The Kashmir were meant to be leaving today, but I didn't feel prepared. There was still so much that needed to be done.

Both Matt and I woke to the sound of fighting. We were both starving and not ready for today.

I yawned and got up, "oh my God, what now?"

Matthew followed, not entirely awake, "sounds like a fight."

I sat at the entrance of our home, "quiet, all of you! What is wrong? Is it not something that adults can solve alone?"

I felt King watching. Even when his people fought amongst themselves, he did nothing.

Tag spoke up first, "there is not enough food Roxy, we are all starving!"

"That is why you are all going home today. You will be able to eat along the way."

"And what if we don't survive along the way?"

"Are you questioning me?"
"Yes. I am."

"The distance is short. You will be halfway there by night. You can eat along the way."

He narrowed his eyes at me and walked away.

King interrupted, "you quite the talker young lady."
"That is Alpha to you, King."

"My, my, you do have spunk." Matthew landed next to me and rushed to my side.

He put his arm around my waist, "I would appreciate it of you treated the Alpha Female with more respect."

King narrowed his eyes and left. Everyone continued packing, while Matthew and I discussed the plan. They'd walk with their strongest on the outside carrying a medium load, moderate strength would walk on the inner skirts carrying the heaviest load and the weakest would walk in the centre carrying the lightest load. King would walk at the back and Matt and I would lead.

While Matt sorted this out I needed to figure out the best way there. They needed food and water fast, but also a safe route. I knew that surrounding my territory were hills and then unclaimed forest. The forest would have plenty of food and water and was the fastest way to their home. The main issue was that it wasn't safe. It was infested with Sukas. I knew that behind me was also mountain, but there was no way anyone would survive heading straight up. I settled on going along the edge of the unclaimed forest towards their home. Sukas were less likely to be near the edge.

Once I completed my part I wandered over to watch Matt give the Kashmirs instructions. I watched them scurry back and forth to him and then to their supplies. I found it cute to watch him fall into the role a leader. He was at the centre of the formation they'd walk in and everyone listened.

I wandered a bit closer and leant on a tree. He saw me. He jogged over to me with a concerned look his face.

Once he finished panting he asked, "did I do something wrong?"

I giggled, "no I was just watching, it's cute watching you play leader."

He blushed, "I think I'm almost done."
"Lets have a look then."

I wandered around the formation, it formed a messy circle. That was good. The order was correct. That was good. There was only one person missing. King.

I stepped away and bit my lip.

Matt walked over to me, "what's wrong?"

"King's decided to piss off elsewhere hasn't he?" Matt said nothing.

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