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We finally got to the university, I woke up and looked around. It seemed like nearly everyone had fallen asleep, they woke up around the same time or their mates woke them up.

The professor got out of his seat, "alright, everyone! Grab your luggage and meet me in our lecture hall!"

We all obeyed, he continued, "Don't forget to thank the driver on your way out!"
Adrean and I stayed seated and waited till there was a space to move. There was some light chatter, but no one was excited to be back. We joined the cue off the bus and I thanked the driver, Adrean didn't. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful, he just didn't see the need.

We walked along the path into that lead to the heart of Renard, the path was brick and a pale beige. We passed through an archway and kept following the path. The archway matched the colour of the bricks, it opened into the heart. A garden, it was round with a pond at the centre. There was a bench near a rock, it made me think of where we met. Behind that rock was a huge tree where I spent my days catching up on study. I followed the path that went past it, I couldn't afford to fall behind 'cause I was in the middle of the crowd. We were headed to one of three lecture halls.

Adrean suggested to skip, "feel like hanging out?"

I gave him a look.

He persisted, "you know, you'd be better off skipping that little 'interview' with King."

"I might be, but not in the long run."

"You've got to loosen up a bit."

I laughed as we walked to the hall. The door leading inside was unlocked, so we went in. Partly because it was a bit cold and the professor wasn't there. Other than that none of us could be bothered holding our bags any longer.The roomed filled with chatter and hugs, hearing about stories and how much the girls missed each other.

The professor came in, "I hope all of you enjoyed your little expedition, especially you Mr Smith." Everyone looked at me, he really was an ass.

He continued, "I would like to look through all your notes and your experiences. Also Mr Smith, see me after class."

Everyone looked at me again and some even whispered.

Adrean whispered to me, "Told you so."

I rolled my eyes, everyone brought up their notebooks and he flicked through them all. He read. Every. Single. One. He then handed over his marking on a separate piece of paper and photo copied that paper. He was so suspicious of all of us. I didn't get it. Eventually he checked through everyone's and kept a record of their marks.

I tried to sneak out in the crowd, "don't you sneak out Mr Smith."

I turned around, "Have I done something wrong sir?"

"You already know Smith, but I'm not accusing you of cheating anymore. I think you met a mammalian homo sapien."

I forced a laugh, "Professor, I think you're being a bit unreasonable."

"Oh? Enlighten me."

"Well, I don't even know where I'd meet one or even how to find one."

"It's not a matter of where or how."
"I don't understand."

"But you do, that aside, I hate to keep you. You're dismissed."

"Thank you Professor, have a good day."
"You too Mr Smith."
Adrean was waiting outside, "how'd it go?"

"He knows."
"Fuck sake."

"Tell me about it."
Noah called one of our roommates for a lift home as we were walking. We put our bags in his SUV and got in the back.

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