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I woke up and rolled out of bed, it was back to exercise and healthy food. It was a typical workout, but Adrean was too tired for it. I made breakfast and he got up, Noah woke up an hour later and headed straight for a shower. I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch, while I was eating I scrolled through plane tickets to Parrie, but she lived just outside the country area of it.

While the boys were eating I announced, "I'm thinking of moving Perrie."

Noah and Ardean suddenly stopped.

Noah was shocked, "what?"
"I'm thinking of moving to Perrie."
Adrean stared at me, he knew exactly why, but still hurt.

Noah continued barking, "why? Do you have family there? Will your job support you? Do you have enough money? A place to stay? How are you even getting there? Why didn't you speak to us first?"

Adrean stood up. It was almost robotic, he was horrifyingly still and uncomfortably calm.

He spoke slowly, "Matt, let's talk outside. Now, please."

I slowly put my laptop and breakfast down on the table. I got up and walked out the door. I left the room like there were weights chained to my ankles, my breathing was heavy. I opened the door and we walked out.

I leant against the wall and Adrean joined me, "are you planning on coming back?"

"I don't know."

"What about your dad?"

"He's fine without me."
"Are you planning on telling him."
"I have to."

I'd known Adrean since we were kids, I used to stay at his house when my parents fought or when my mum was being a bitch. I understood how hurt he was, but I loved Roxy. I needed her in my life.

"I get it man. It's a shit hole here anyway."
"There's nothing here for me anyway."
"Please visit."
"I'll try."

I took a breath and we went back inside. Noah was pissed off at me.

I sat down next to him, "look, mate. I'm really sorry. I should've explained this earlier."

Adrean stopped me, "you sure you want to do this?"

I looked at him, Noah remained confused.

"I met a girl, while we were on that expedition and I fell in love with her. And now I want to spend my life with her."

Noah's jaw dropped, he couldn't find his words.

Adrean sighed and shrugged at me before leaving the room. We watch Adrean leave.

Noah returned his attention to me, "Bought the tickets yet?"

I shook my head, "not yet."

He slapped me on the back, "better get to it then."

I laughed, "yeah."

Noah left and I returned to my laptop.

Adrean messaged me, "I really thought you were going to tell him."
"Same here."

"What changed?"

"The less people know, the better."

"Yeah. You really love her don't you?"

"Oddly enough."
He sent me a laughing emoji, then I continued my search for a plane ticket.

I had a lot to think about, I've been off work for a while and so has Adrean. This was all thanks to the expedition and neither me nor Adrean are due back till a few weeks. We both work at the same place, a bar and restaurant, Rise. We both earn around $20 an hour. We also both hate it. We both wanted to work in the study of mammalian homo sapiens. We were like brothers and I was abandoning him. That thought brought me to my next issue, which was leaving them. I didn't want to, it hurt them and me. I want to continue my studies, but I still hate the professor. Maybe I would be better off working one on one with her? Then there's when and how. I slumped back down on the couch because in all honesty it's too hard.

Adrean came in and sat on the arm of the couch.

He looked at me, "you should go as soon as you can."

I sat up, "what?"

He sighed, "A lot of people are going to get hurt in the process, but even more will if you don't. We will always be here, she might not. All I'm saying is that you need her and I have a feeling she needs you just as much."

"Maybe you're right."

"You know I'm right Matt, so just book those tickets already."

I sighed, "fine!"He laughed and I opened my laptop to book the tickets for the third time today.

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