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This meant that humans were around and I was being watched by one. I had to find this human and kill it, before it killed me. I began following them, they led from the rock by the lake, to the hill I run up and towards the mountains. I'd never been near them, my territory only went up to the hills. It was a long and painful walk, this human left next to no traces. They were intelligent and had clearly done this more than once. This trail grew tiresome and I was getting bored, but I couldn't give up otherwise I'd never find it. The entire trail was staring at the same set of footprints and following the prints, one step in front of another. It was mid day, I hadn't eaten and it was tiring me. The sun threw its heat on to me and weighed me down, I couldn't see. My breath was getting short and slow, everything looked out of focus and my head was pounding. It started getting difficult to walk straight and before I knew it my body gave way and everything went black.

I woke up, my ears were ringing, I was dizzy and numb. I rolled over, something felt heavy over my body. What so heavy? I opened my eyes. Where am I? I tried to get up, but I couldn't.

"I see you're awake." Someone was coming towards me, it was a males voice. I seemed to be in some sort of cave; there were blankets, food and water. I was scared and didn't know what to do, so scurried back. My heart was racing and head filled with thoughts of confusion and fear, I couldn't breathe.

"Relax." He said. I can't trust him, I don't even know him or his species. Humans are disgusting. He stepped towards me.

"Trust me, I just want to help you." he reached out, so naturally I lashed out at him. How could I possibly trust a stranger? What right does he have to lay his hands upon me? I hate being touched. I scratched him on the face, it didn't bleed because it was a warning. Do not touch me. He sighed, then took some food and water out, placed it in a bowl and gave it to me. I was starving, but I don't trust him enough to eat. He sighed again and ate some food and drank some water.

"It's okay, take it." I scoffed down the food and chugged the water. He laughed, I was too engrossed in my feed to care. I finished and looked up at him.

"Do you trust me now, maybe enough to talk to me at least?" I looked at him in the eyes and thought for a while. Is he really as bad as other humans or does he want to help me? Does he have an exterior motive or is he genuine? They say if you don't talk to them, you don't get attached, but I don't have much choice right now. I sighed.

"Well you're the only help I have right now. I don't have a choice now do I?" He laughed.

"Perhaps not, your knife and clothes are next to you by the way. Do you need help?"

"No." I dressed myself.

I had so many questions.

"Why are you here?"

"I want to know more about your kind."

"Have you been following me?" No answer. I repeated myself.

"Studying, not following.

"For how long?"

"Not very."

To be honest I now have more questions than last time, but I couldn't be bothered.

I tried to get up and walk out, but my body failed me and I fell after the first few steps.

"It's going to take more than a meal and some water before you can even think about moving. You pushed yourself too hard trying to find me, you don't have enough energy to even move. You know that you need at least two meals everyday and 10 hours of sleep a night to even see the next morning. You haven't eaten, you haven't slept-"

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