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I got on the bus that was headed back to the airport, I flicked through my notes. I wasn't reading over them, I was looking at her. The drawings hadn't quite captured her strength or beauty, but they were close enough. I suddenly felt some rough hands grab me and push me around. Those hands belonged to my mates. They interrupted my thoughts with cheering.

I responded, "Hey, look who it is! Bring it in."

I stood up and we patted each other on the back. From there we just sat down and shared stories while the others boarded the bus.

They were all strangers to me. After some tiresome and boring conversation the professor boarded the bus. The bus fell quiet.

His voice boomed down the bus, "Everyone make sure you're seated and quiet, this bus ride will be long and the driver needs to focus. I don't mind quiet chatter, but please be respectful. Thank you."

He walked down the aisle of the bus and I prayed, please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me. And of course he sat right on top of me. I put my earphones in and tried to ignore him. I prayed, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me. I opened my notebook and pretended to read my notes.

He leant over, "Who's the girl?"

I took one earphone out, "oh, just a drawing Professor King."

"So who is she?"

"I was just sketching for fun sir."

"I see you have a lot of notes, can I take a look?"

I looked at my mates, begging for help. No response.

"Umm, okay."

He snatched my notebook out of my hands, "you have a lot of drawings Mr Smith."
"Sorry, I get bored."

"You also have more notes than I expected. You do well, but this looks like a group effort to me. Not that you had anyone to work with from my knowledge. Including things I haven't even covered yet and aren't due until late next year."

"Sir you've always encouraged us to exceed expectations, I was simply following through with that."

"This girl seems rather prominent throughout your notebook. Can I ask for honest answer please?"
I couldn't tell him. It would hurt her, I had to protect Roxy.

I broke the silence, "sir, I enjoy art and particularly working with characters. It's just a hobby."
"Matthew, an honest answer, please!"

All conversation and sense of relaxation died on the bus. Everyone was watching. I looked around for help.

From the corner of my eye I saw Adrean smirk at me, I returned my attention to the professor. I didn't answer him, instead I watched him slowly lose his temper as he waited for an answer. Suddenly I saw a pair of boxers fly in the air and heard girls shriek, the professor turned and his face went red.

He stood up, "Adrean, what do think you're doing? You are on a bus, sit down immediately!"

He leant on the chair and lectured us.

"You are young adults, I should not have to discipline you! You know how to behave on a bus and you know that the driver must concentrate. I should not have to treat you like children! As for you Adrean, I expect an essay on appropriate behaviour behaviour and occupational health and safety on a bus as soon as we reach Renard!"

I mouthed thank you to him and returned, telling me I owe him big. I shrunk into my chair.

The professor snapped, "Matthew, switch places with Adrean!"

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