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The tickets were fairly cheap, one hundred dollars through to two hundred and fifty, but there weren't many available and the flights were all between one o' clock in the morning and three o' clock in the morning. I looked at the possibility of arrive on one of those mornings and booking a hotel in advance. The tickets were in advance of the next few weeks, but I needed to be organised and think this through logically.

It was a bit much to think about in the morning, so I got some study done and went shopping.

Adrean tagged along, "did you find any tickets?"

"Yeah a few."
"I have a feeling you didn't book them."

"Well, other than what I already have to think about, there's more. I need to think about when and if it's an ungodly hour where I'm going to stay, the list goes on."
"If I were you I'd create a mind map or a brainstorm to sort yourself out."

"Yeah, that'd be an idea."

It was a bus ride to and from the shops, we grabbed milk, butter, bread and some vegetables. Adrean's company was nice, he knows when I need him the most and always seems to be there for me.

We got home and I decided to pay my dad a visit, I usually visit him a couple times a week, but I couldn't thanks to the expedition. I borrowed Noah's car and drove to his house. His house was tidy, there were roses out the front and a path that led to the front door. I knocked on the door and he opened it. It was the best feeling to see him after so many months.

He welcomed me home, "Matthew, hello! It's great to see you buddy!"

He always called me buddy, "Dad, hi!"

He hugged me, "let me look at you. You've got muscles."

"Yeah, I've been busy."
"Not too busy for your old man I hope."

I laughed, "never."
He put his hand on my back and guided me in, "what are we doing just standing around in the doorway? Come in!"

He walked me into the hallway, most of his house was wood floors and light walls. He led me into the lounge, the couches were black and the coffee table matched the colour of the floor. I sat down on the leather couch with dad, it was cold against my skin, but it was comfortable. We talked about my expedition and what he'd being doing while I was gone. He told me how he took up painting and started classes, but hasn't given up cooking or gardening just yet. He told me how he still works for that vet and cleans kennels, but is currently being shared around. He asked me how Noah and Adrean were doing and if they were still working, I told him Noah still works as a tutor and works at night at a petrol station.

He grabbed himself and me a cup of tea and some afternoon snacks. He didn't believe in drinking or junk food, unlike mum.

I started the conversation I'd been dreading, "I need to tell you something."

"Oh dear, what's wrong?'

"I'm moving to Perrie, but I don't know if I'll be able to visit home at all."

"How come?"
"It's a girl."

He smiled at me, "you do what you need to do."

There was a long pause and I got a bit teary at the idea of leaving my old man alone.

Then he said, "tell me about her."
"Well her name is Roxy and she lives alone. Obviously I met her at the expedition. She's really tough and been through a hell of a lot, but she still sweet. She's beautiful, really beautiful. I really like her."

"Sounds like it. Got any pictures of her?"
"A few drawings."
I showed him a sketch I took a photo of.

He zoomed in to get a closer look, "she looks a bit like a mammalian homo sapien."
"How can you tell?"

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