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The walk home was quiet, but it went quickly. I ate the deer that had been left behind and he climbed up into my home. The smell of blood was strong and gave me 'predators rush,' a rush we feel if there's a lot of blood in one place. My heart raced and my blood pumped through my veins, I could hear my heart beating. I felt my muscles pump themselves up and my pupils dilate. I ran away, afraid of what I might do to Matthew. I ran straight back to the rock by the lake and jumped into the water. It calmed me. I swam towards the rock, there was a little underwater tunnel that led into a tiny cave. I reached the surface and sat in that cave, still clothed and wearing my knife. The cave floor was soaked and I barely fit in there anymore. I felt my hair against my back curl up on to the cave floor. I cried. I cried because I had been in such an unpredictable state. All I could think about was murdering and hurting him. It terrified me. I did not want to hurt him, he saved me. My breath was shaky, I couldn't see past my tears and my body quivered with each breath. It had been a while since I cried, I felt helpless, my emotions were like waves crashing down on me, trying to drown me.

Past my crying I could hear someone swimming up through the tunnel, it was Matthew. He reaches the surface, appearing in front of me. He leaned on the edge looking at me as I cried.

He smiled, "predators rush too much?"
I turned away, "leave me alone."

"I can't leave a crying girl by herself, now can I?"

I was pissed off that he couldn't just leave me be, but in a good way. It was nice to have someone who cared about me, I was too used to being alone. I wiped my tears and turned to him smiling.

I looked at him and laughed, "you're a pain."

"How about we go home?"

"Sure, just answer me this, how did you know about this place?"

"I just followed you, at a distance. You were too wrapped up in your own emotions to notice."

I looked at him and we dived through the tunnel together, we swam up through the lake and I helped him to shore.

We reached home and by this point we were lying silence, I was tired and so was he.

I broke the silence, "Tell me more about this 'Renard University,' what's it like?"

"Well every morning, five days a week, I get up to attend classes in order to keep up. I study mammalian homo sapiens, which is your kind. I study under my teacher Professor King. Right now we're studying the social behaviours and culture, which is fairly convenient for me, seeing I rescued you."

I laughed a bit harder than I should've, "how many in your class?"

"Not many, around fifteen."

"My knife classes had forty, but I didn't really get close to anyone."

"It gets a bit like that."

There was a pause, it felt like the right time to change conversation topics.

He continued, "It's not all bad, I've got a few mates that I hangout with. We mostly go out together during breaks and study together."

I smirked, "not that much study actually get done."
I rolled on to my stomach, getting closer to him, "you know I'm right."

He laughed.

I asked about his home life. He currently lives alone, his child and teenage hood weren't that great. His parents broke up when he was in his early teens and he mostly lived with his dad, his grandparents looked after him when his dad couldn't. As for his mum, he wasn't close to her. He moved out as soon as he turned eighteen into an apartment with some of his mates from university. It was a pretty sad early life for him, but I'm glad he's getting by now. 

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