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I was a long walk, aimlessly searching for some animal stupid enough to leave the shelter of their home. I saw a male deer that seemed oblivious to the world around him, he wasn't being careful; females are smarter and more aware. I crept behind some trees and tried to get behind him, this one was particularly stupid. He was fairly close and looked strong, his muscle would weigh him down. The kill would be fairly difficult, but I needed the challenge. I decided to leap onto him, then bite his neck. I was wrong about his speed, he was fast. I landed on his antlers. They pierced my stomach. He threw me against a tree and then tried to stomp on me, I rolled away. I had to get myself off the ground otherwise I'd be stomped to death. I got up, not having enough time to check my wounds. Now he was asking to die. I went for the bottom of his neck, I bit him. I was thrown off, failing to keep hold of this deer. I jumped on top of him, pulled his antlers back and slit his throat. Thrown off again. I screamed and he died.

I put my knife away and picked up his body, it was heavy. His blood dripped down my body, it trailed down my back, shoulders and neck. His blood was warm and thick, I wondered if his body would drain by the time I got home. Home. I forgot how long the walk back would be. I tried not to think of my wounds and the pain that came with them. It was getting hard to walk and my back and abdomen were hurting, it was hard to breathe. I almost never made it home, Matthew came rushing out.

"You idiot!"
"You're welcome."

He took the deer off me as I sat down.

"Jesus, you're covered in blood."
"It's not mine."

I laid down and rested, I needed to go to the lake and clean myself up so I can see if I'm injured.

I said to him, "I need you to help me get to the lake so I can clean myself up."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just let me rest."


I got up, he helped me. We walked to the rock by the lake, our walk was filled with small talk and light conversation. We reached it, I took off my crop top and skirt and walked into the water. He sat on the edge of the rock and stared at me as I bathed myself.

I turned to face him, "what?"


There was that notebook and pen again, I wondered what he could be writing. I swam over to the centre of the lake, my feet didn't reach the floor. I watched the blood flow off me and into the water, some of the rocks were stained from previous times I'd bathed here. I moved back to the shallow end and scrubbed the blood off myself. It hurt. He looked up and watched me tense and whimper.

He stood up, "I can't stand watching this."

He took off his clothes down to his boxers. He was tall and muscular, I never really stopped and looked at him. His hair was short, brown and a bit curly, his eyes were blue.

He was actually ratherly attractive. He grabbed his shirt and walked into the water, he looked at where the blood was and paused.

He wet his shirt and gently wiped the rest of the blood of my abdomen, I tensed.


I could sense Matthews guilt.

"It's okay."

There wasn't anything that could be done, the only way to check these wounds was to wash the blood off. He turned me around and swept my hair out of the way, he wiped my neck and upper back. He continued down my back, I felt water run down my back almost as gently as his shirt.

He felt me tense, "Sorry, this is going to hurt a bit."

I whimpered.

He whispered, "you're bruised, I know it hurts."

He rinsed his shirt and rung it out.

He wiped my abdomen over and felt me tense.


"You certainly did some damage here."

"I know."

He knelt and slowly wiped the bruises down, it getting too painful for me to even stand. He stopped.

"You okay, do you want me to stop?"

"Better to get it done."

He continued, it hurt in an indescribable manner.

I walked out of the lake and I let the water fall off me, I felt my hair brush against my arse. It was cold, I grabbed my clothes, leaving my knife and sheath on the rock. I stood in the water and scrubbed the blood out of my clothes. I felt a pair of eyes follow me to the lake and watch me wash my clothes.

I flicked some sharp words to him, "I didn't know washing clothes was so interesting."

"It's more of the way your people-" he hesitated, "associate yourselves with others."

I laughed, "interesting."

I got dressed and tied my sheath and knife around my waist, we left. 

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