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The sun started to push through the clouds and began to melt the snow. I wrapped his jacket around my shoulders and picked up his shirt. I made my way home. It was a slow and painful walk. There were still no animals and the trees were still as dry as ever. At least the snow would provide this forest with fresh and clean water. 

As  I wandered through mine and Matts home I decided to take a closer look at my surroundings. The snow was slowly melting, the sun light glistened off the snow. It was almost as if the stars had joined us. The trees were taking in the water. As much as I hoped for the trees to have leaves, there were none. Their branches were dry and weak. I carried on walking through forest, the soil was muddy. I looked around more and there were still no animals. 

Those from the mountain followed me to my home. They cleared a path for me as I walked towards our home. I climbed up, almost slipping off the tree. As I climbed in I looked for Matthew, he was sat in a corner drawing. He watched me come in, but didn't say a word. I stared at him. The silence was heavy and awkward, neither of us knew what to say. He wanted nothing to do with me, but I wanted everything to do with him. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, that I didn't mean to hurt him, that it was all a mistake, but instead I stood in the lonely silence. The silence was making me nauseous. I found myself out of  breath and swallowing, trying to not drown in this silence. I wanted to get some space, but I couldn't considering there were dozens of mountain people outside. I wanted to sit down and cry, but I didn't have the time. I had to be a leader. All in all I wanted to be weak, but I couldn't. 

Matthew broke the silence, "you could have at least told me what you were going to do."
"I was scared, okay?"
He sighed, "of what?"
I didn't answer. 

"Fine. Also the mountain guys are waiting to hear from you."
I leapt out of out home, on to the muddy ground.

I took in a deep breath, "Allies and friends gather around me! When the dry winter had fallen upon this forest, you answered the call! When I had become frail, you answered the call! So today I wish to thank you, today I wish you well! Like many before us, we have survived and together we shall continue!" 

There were many dry winters before I arrived, they only came once a lifetime. This one however was the worst. I actually didn't think we'd make it, at least not until Matthew.

I let the crowd cheer before I continued, "Allies and friends, you may be relived of your duty to support us, but leave knowing this- Renard is in your debt." 

The rowdy crowd left and I looked up at Matt, who sat watching. His legs dangled as he smiled at me and I smiled back. I climbed up the tree and Matt grabbed my arm to pulled me up. He guided me inside and I sat with him. 

He leant towards me, "quite a speech you gave there."
I laughed, "yeah something like that." 

Matthew gently pushed me over on to my back and rolled on top of me. His knees held my hips in place and his hands held my wrists down. 

His forehead met mine, "you're a pain." 

I smiled, "I know."
His body relaxed, "you scared me."
I tensed from below him and tore away from his gaze. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk about me nearly drowning, that I didn't trust him or feel comfortable. It was that I didn't know how to talk about it or what to say. He broke my thoughts, he decided to change position. He sat up, pushing his crotch into mine. It made me whimper and squirm a little. He kissed me, his kisses were warm and gentle. 

He gently rested his hand on my cheek, "Roxy you know you can trust me no matter what. I know you were scared, but I need you to start trusting me and communicating with me. We're a team, best friends and lovers."

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