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A small girl maybe 3 or 4 years old chased behind the flying butterfly very eager to catch the butterfly in her hand but it fled away in front of her eyes. She got frustrated but the feeling poured down through her cheeks in the form of tears.

She went home with teary eyes and when her mom asked what happened she explained everything as to how the butterfly flew away.

Her mom smiled looking at the innocent child and said, "She is gonna kill that butterfly for being rude towards her precious daughter."

The little kid threw her mom an innocent look and said, "I don't want the butterfly to get killed. I like it, mom." She is on the verge of crying.

"Sweetie, if you had caught the butterfly what would you do?" Her mom asked more kindly.

The little kid tapped her forehead and gave her mom an honest answer. "I would have kept the butterfly in my book." But she doesn't know the butterfly won't survive more than a week.

"That's what I'm going to do." Her mom cheered loudly." Then it will die right after 2 or 3 days!!"

The little girl understood what she was about to do and hugged her mom so tightly. "I won't do it again." The little girl felt guilty.

Her mom rubbed her hair and said, "You don't know about your action wound kill an innocent fly but now you know and think twice before you do anything. Our small mistakes can lead something big loss, it may be a relationship or a friendship. Be aware of what you are doing.."

The little girl nodded her head and had her dinner happily.


Sheila's POV:

Six years Later........

"Take care, my beautiful." Harry whispered in my ear, wrapping his hand around my swollen stomach.

I furrowed my brows and looked back at him through the mirror. "How did you find me beautiful? I look like an elephant!!" I couldn't hide my anxiety but asked.

I'm getting more weight day by day, everyone would have forgotten the skinny Sheila even I don't remember my old frame.

I'm nine-month pregnant with the baby boy and my craving for food developed a day when I confirmed I'm nine weeks pregnant and here he is taking care of me like I'm an Arabian Queen and when I said you are treating me like this, he called me his Queen even though he is not a king.

He has changed a lot. Life taught him more lessons than necessary and raised him as a well-grown man. He is soo careful over small things, sometimes it kinda annoys me but I can't mad at him for a second if want to.

We married one year ago and I moved to New York with him. At first, it was difficult and I had teary eyes over a month. Leaving my family, my friends and the place where I have all my memory, for a man is not easy to me but the love he has poured me helped me to overcome all my pain and he made me feel like I'm in my home.

Now I wonder how he managed back there in India...

He fixed the giant 360° camera in our living room and set the connection to the TV. "You can talk with your family even when you are cooking." And it worked very well.

He was so adamant to start his new company but after giving him more lectures about the employee's situation and company's loss, he took over his dad's company and now known as a successful billionaire, but is he happy?


Soon he may start his new company and as far as if he doesn't give up this company, I have no reason to oppose him. I know him very well, he has a talent for managing two big companies at one time and in the future, it may twice or thrice.

"You are always my cute angel." He said in his husky voice and rubbed my stomach lovingly. "Don't bother Mommy too much. Be a good boy like dad, Okay?" he asked the baby and as a response, the baby moved inside my stomach.

"See! He is like me." He said proudly lifting his shirt collar as a victory.

"Okay bye. I'm leaving, some urgent meeting. I will be back in two in the evening." He said and kissed my lips once last time before stormed out of the room in a hurry.

My life changed after I have recovered from the hospital. Tammy was a traitor but I didn't tell anyone. No one knew about the incident except me and Tammy, and Harry is still giving his best to find out the traitor even though I asked him to give up.

When I was in my second year, Karl moved to London to continue his final year mainly to grab the chance of winning over his crush's heart.

At first, he didn't succeed because karma is a bitch but now they were happily married and expecting a baby girl in a month.

Tammy moved to another college ashamed of facing me and I didn't hear anything about him.

Karl has a suspect towards Tammy but he didn't utter any words till now. Whenever we talk he never mentions Tammy nor his whereabouts, I either don't want to hear his name.

I'm not ready to forgive him, maybe in future I will consider his apology but right now I need some space.

Yes!! he apologized the day before he faded out of my sight. That was a sincere apology and I cried that night thinking as to how time had played with our fate so cruelly.

The rest of the years went blur without any drama and finally, we got our degree. I stayed at home with my family because the doctor warned me not to stress around. So my parents suggested me to take rest, Harry said the same. I obliged and took almost two years to rest.

Time flew so fast...

Coming to present life, tomorrow morning Quinn and Kevin are getting married. They have twins named Ken Kale and Kim Kale who are about a year old.

They both are identical twins and so cute like their mother but inherited all their father's figure. They often visit our home and we spend family time together, recalling our old days.

I was brought out of my own trance of thoughts when I heard a running footstep approaching our room. "What...."

"I forgot. Shit!!! I'm really sorry." He kneeled in front of me and kissed my stomach. "Please forgive me, baby. Dad was in a hurry." He said breathing in and out and made a puppy face even though the baby can't see him.

He used to kiss my stomach before leaving for the office even when we were mad at each other and today he kinda slipped.

I shook my head and kissed his forehead where his hands were still wrapped around my stomach. "You are a good dad." And he gave me an award-winning smile showing his cute dimples which I have fallen for him every minute.

"And I love you too." He flashed a toothless grin.


The End....

Thanks for reading this story. It was my very first work and I have been finished two books till now. Thanks for supporting through my up and down.

Read my other books and show your support there too.

"Give me a second chance" - completed

Sure, you will enjoy..

Start Date: 4th Feb 2019

End Date: 27th Jun 2019

Completed date: 27th Oct 2019

Hahaha... it takes me exactly 4 months to edit all my chapters but please ignore my grammar mistakes, spell error and typos. I'm still learning....

With Love,

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