Chapter 7

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Sheila's POV:

I have so many dreams about my college life before I entered this campus. I even believed I would find my best man here but all my dreams turned upside down. Now all I want is to come out of this hell without any harm.

Sighing heavily I thought to cross the road when all of the sudden--

"What the hell!!!"

I shrieked looking at the red car which has gone far away not even bothered to check whether I died or still has my breath. I could hear the hefty pounding of my heartbeat.

"Idiot fellows," I muttered directing my words towards whoever was on that car.

Peoples are staring me as some are wearing a concerned look on their face while some just ignored the incident as nothing happened earlier before they headed back to their work.

I would have nearly met the accident!

When I was about to cross the road, a car loomed towards me and I froze on the spot like a statue when I thought it would hit me anytime but thank God it lightly brushed my right arm but the pain was unbearable.

I pretended like nothing happened before started to walk inside the campus where the hell is waiting for me. I don't know whatever drama is going to happen today.

I let out a long sigh before entering inside the campus. Unlike this time I don't have a broken heart but the broken arm. Though it's not broken it causes a little pain.

When I was about to take a step towards the stairs I heard some whisper from the girls and saw they were adjusting their skirt like they are going to impress someone.

They focused on someone behind my back which made me turn around and I saw the boy is walking towards the stairs, completely ignoring the girls who were drooling over him.

He walked past me and got on the principal room. He seems a new student. His face expression was hard and blank.

What got into this boy?

First two hours had gone blank and I relaxed when I heard the bell ringing. I can leave and grab some sandwich to quench my small hunger. With that, I headed towards the cafeteria.

While I was sitting in the cafeteria, a girl, who I don't know, approached me. "Hi!" she uttered before stretching her hands towards me.

"Ugh...! Umm... Hello! how can I help you?" I asked politely not wanting to behave rudely.

She scratched the back of her neck nervously and said: "I am new to this college. I saw you were sitting alone here. So I..." She trailed off.

"Ohhhh! Okay," I mumbled. If she had known my history with the president's son she wouldn't have shown her face in front of me.

"I am sorry." She blurted out while fidgeting her fingers. For a good second, I just stared at her not getting the point of why is she apologising.

"Why?" I asked her, confusion was composed all over my face. From my remembrance, she didn't do anything to me and it's my first time I'm seeing her today. Not knowing who she is I just continued my blank stare towards her.

"Hmm.. actually my cousin drove that car in the morning. He didn't see you were crossing the road." She murmured slowly.

Like a thunder, realisation hit my head. So, the car which almost stimulated an accident is belonging to them. You bloody! I badly wanted to put some sense into her thick skull but when I looked at her pleading eyes, my anger flew away.

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