Chapter 5

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Sheila's POV:

Days and weeks had flown in a blink of eyes but he didn't stop to bullying me. Karl and his friends have their own ways of trick to make me fun and they found this as entertainment. I think making me cry every day boost their stamina.

His friends would simply enter my classroom during my class and drag me out, it's becoming their routine. Even if one of them in his gangs was in a sour mood, they would simply blame me and enjoy seeing me suffer by making my day worst as hell.

He would like to give me a new task that I never fond of. He ordered me to bring him breakfast every day and the next day when I got him my hostel food, he spat it on the ground before throwing me a devilish look like I purposely got him a spoiled food. But the next day his pretty brain understood that this is how the hostel food tastes and asked me to stop bringing him a poison.

One day he made me polish his shoes and even made me clean the gent's toilet just because I first declined to do what he had demanded.

Sometimes his behaviour made me want to drop college, but it won't happen.

And to say one month has been passed since I was their target to bully. Today he ordered me to wear a white dress, but I don't know why he wants me to wear a white dress.

As thinking about his miserable attitudes, I entered the campus and felt a heavy force of the water on my body, for that, I soaked wet completely. My white shirt turned black and I realized they threw paint on me.

Everyone was laughing like a maniac while clapping their hands and throwing their head back and forth as they find the whole situation as fun.

Now I understood why did he want me to wear this dress. Couldn't able to bore the harassment I screamed loudly. Everyone went silent for a second then once again burst into laughter.

"From where did you get the guts to yell at me?" He asked out of nowhere.

I gulped down when I saw he was approaching me like I was his prey but I am not going to back away. I gathered all my courage to face him even though I'm shaking internally.

"Listen!" I pointed my forefinger at him. "I am not your doll and one more thing I wanted to make clear that I am not going to obey your rules. You guys made lots of fun already. I can't take it anymore. I had enough of you. If you want you can sue me from this college. But I never give any shit to anyone." I screamed at his face.

"What did you say?" He grabbed my hand roughly before yanking me towards him, "If I want to sue you from the college I would have done this already. I wouldn't have waited for your opinion. But no, it will never happen. You need to know your place. No one dared to speak in front of me like this. Now be ready for your punishment." All this time I stared at him with a cold expression.

"Everyone! go and gather in the cafeteria, we will see some fun." He shouted, his eyes held a lot of anger. In his dictionary the place cafeteria is for fun, not to provide food. He glanced me back and gave me a one-pointed look before walking away God knows where, with that, everyone followed after him.

Instead of going to the cafeteria, I went to my hostel to change my dress. One hour later, I returned back to college and didn't think It would be a bad idea until I saw everyone in the college forming a circle around me ready to hunt me down as I'm their prey.

First, I don't get the point why they were here and it made me feel uncomfortable. When I passed them, they all stared at me with a stunned utterance.

Something wrongs!

And when I reached the corridor I saw him standing there with all his glory. He was staring right into my eyes; his cold expression revealed how angry he was.

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