Chapter 11

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Sheila's POV:

It's been two days since I met the accident. When I woke up from the dilemma, the nurse told me someone admitted me and paid my bills but he refused to give his name.

I discharged yesterday from the hospital. Nothing big happened. Just a small injury and they put the bandage around my head where I had a small cut.

I was unconscious for almost four hours. My foot is also hurting a lot, the damage I had in my foot led to the bacterial infection. The doctor suggested that I should take rest for at least one week, not to give any pressure on my legs.

I obliged what I have been told and here I am taking bed rest in my room, no one knew about the accident. Quinn called me to ask why I didn't come to the college.

I lied to her saying I went to my hometown to visit my parents. I don't want to bother her.

I wonder who helped me on that day. I never thought these kinds of people still exist. I wanted to meet him and thank him personally but I don't have any detail about him; the only thing I know is it's a boy.

If he hadn't come for the right time for my rescue, I'm sure I will be six feet under the ground right now.

My phone vibrated near the table gradually yanking me from my own thoughts. I took the phone and it showed the caller ID, Tammy. 'He too felt my absence.' A small smile forged in my lips.

I answered the call and heard his worried voice:

"Why you didn't come to college?"

"What happened to you?"

"Is there any problem?"

"And where the hell are you?"

He asked the question one by one not even giving me any space to breathe.

"Tammy, I'm fine. I just come to visit my parents. That's all. You were on vacation, that's why I didn't tell you. But I'm sorry. I should have informed you. I didn't think this would bother you very much." I clarified his enquiry.

"Who said I'm caring for you? I just want to check you because you don't take leave without a reason," He said bluntly; His voice held anger and I know he is trying to hide his anxiety.

"Okay.. okay. I'm sorry. I will meet you once I come back to college." I confessed while trying to convince him. I heard him inhale deeply before he mumbled a small "Okay." We talked a few more minutes before hanging up.


One week passed extremely in slow motion. I had been died of boring. Eating, sleeping and getting a random call from Tammy and Quinn were the regular routine I had. Now I am on the way to my room after finishing my final check-up.

The doctor told me to use sponge slipper for a month. After he unwrapped the bandage from my head he told me to take the pills on correct times which he suggested earlier.

He advised me to stay away from stress because it may lead to severe headache. He also said not to apply too much pressure on the spot where I hit my head on the road. I complied with all his terms and conditions before taking my leave.

When I reached my room I let out an audible sigh. From tomorrow onwards I need to go to hell where the devil is waiting for me.


When I entered my first class, everyone's head turned towards my direction. Arghh!!

What? I am not even late today.

Then why are they looking at me like this time I failed too.

I ignored their stares and walked towards my seats. After the bell rang, the professor entered the class and began to start the session.

When he was about to give us an assignment, a voice interrupted him. I didn't notice what they were discussing or who he was, until everyone's eyes turning towards my side. I noticed the tension between the students and the professor.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room. I know it's him by his touch. I'm not admiring his touch but it hurting like a bitch.

He roughly dragged me out of the room, it showed all his anger he had towards me like I committed some sort of unforgivable sin in my life. Last time I remember I simply walked out of his house otherwise I did nothing.

As usual, most of the students watched us but they ignored and headed back to their previous work what they had been doing when we crossed their path like they didn't see anything.

I silently prayed to GOD to save me. After seemed to be a complete two minutes he stopped on his track and shoved me against the wall.

"Where have you been all these days?" he gritted his teeth.

"It's none of your business." I spat straight into his face.

"If you don't tell me the truth, you will regret this later." his eyes showed how serious he was.

I swallowed the lump formed in my throat and controlled the unshed tears which are threatening to come out. "I..I um... I went to visit my parents." I whispered slowly.

He seemed disbelief as my reply didn't satisfy him. He looked down at me like he can read my mind.

"Better to spill the truth otherwise.." his grip tightened.

"Otherwise what?" I asked shoving his hand away from me. "I have enough of you. I never going to stand here watching you treat me like this way. yeah!! I lied. I didn't go to visit my parents. So What? What's your problem, you psycho." I yelled in front of his face.

I expressed all my anger to him. "Are you satisfied now," I asked, my breath went high level. My head began to hurt and I saw some black spot above my head. To calm my sense I rubbed my temple and shut my eyes.

Ignoring my protest, he grabbed both my hands and shoved it either side of the wall. "Don't raise your voice in front of me. You..." I cut him off again in his midst.

"Or what?" I dared to ask again. After the long pause of silence, a devil smirk grew into his face and he dragged me God knows where.

I didn't notice when did we reach the park. I don't know what he is going to do, but I'm not scared of him anymore.

"Mark," he called someone's name his voice held so much authority.

The person named Mark came almost in a second and stood between us.

"Watch her. Don't give her any favour. Got it." He almost yelled.

"Yes..yes, sir," He muttered slowly.

Then he turned his attention to me before letting my hands fall from his grip. "Now Listen, you Mutt. No one dared to raise a voice in front of me, but you did. I warned you many times. Now it's time to have fun." He smirked devilry.

"Today you will regret the day you were born." with that he began to break the pipes and the water began to flow everywhere.

My dress soaked wet and I moved away, but his next action caught me off guard. He hit the guy named Mark on his stomach and Mark fell on the ground clutching his stomach painfully. I could feel his pain. I am the reason why he is in pain now.

"Don't move." He warned again and started to break all the pipes like he truly owned this place. In no second my entire surroundings filled with water.

Finally, he threw the hard metal towards the pipe which gives the water supply to the Upper tank. The water scattered everywhere like a waterfall and when it hit my head I flinched and moved away.

Ahh!! It hit the right spot!

He noticed my state and pushed me where the water was falling down forcefully. "Stand here. This is your punishment for opening that pretty mouth of yours."

Then his attention turned towards that poor Mark. "Don't go against my will. I hope you didn't forget the things last time I did to you." With that, he stormed out of the park leaving me to stand under the water.


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