Hey Percy, You Belong With Me

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A/N: This is a one shot based on three songs put together. This may be my most ambitious music one shot yet.

Annabeth breathed out as quietly as she could, watching the strands of her hair scramble away madly, only to return back into her face. She tapped her pencil mindlessly against her forehead as she sat on her bed surrounded by papers, trying to focus on her AP calculus homework rather than those green eyes, but her mind refused to do its job for one damn second. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Annabeth knew this homework could wait since it wasn't due until Monday at midnight, but still, don't leave for tomorrow what can be done today right? Or something like that.

Gods, Annabeth groaned to her inner monologue, I sound like Percy.

Speak of the devil, not a second later, Annabeth heard insistent tapping on her window. Tap, tap, tap. The rhythm never stayed constant, something that was a result of Percy's ADHD and drove Annabeth crazy. Annabeth rolled her eyes and gestured for Percy to let himself in (he did this so often she now left it unlocked it for him), to which he complied all too eagerly.

"Mornin' Wise Girl," Percy whistled as he swung into her bedroom one leg at a time.

Annabeth glanced up at him shortly, knowing she'd get distracted if she looked too long, and raised an arched brow. "It's seven o'clock on a Friday night Seaweed Brain."

"Beth?" Percy asked, turning to face the bulletin board opposite her bed.

Annabeth hummed in response, letting Percy know he could continue.

"Shut up."

Annabeth couldn't help it. She erupted in a fit of laughter, soon joined by Percy. She was pretty sure she was going crazy over this homework, but as long as Percy was here she was somewhat sane.

"Seriously, Beth, you gotta stop all this studying and live every once in a while. You said it yourself, dork. It's a Friday night." Percy said after the laughter had died down.

Annabeth sighed and pushed her hair out of her face with her hand, sobering up. "I can't Percy. I need to get a head start on this homework." Saying it out loud, Annabeth realized how dorky she really did sound. Not that she minded. Of course she didn't.

Percy glared at her pointedly and crossed his arms, reminding Annabeth of a child throwing a temper tantrum. "You know full well this homework isn't due for another three days.You, me, Hestia's, now. You have two minutes to get dressed and I'll be downstairs waiting."

Percy spun on his heel and climbed back down the window, leaving Annabeth with a clutter of papers and- now, one minute to get dressed.
Annabeth closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure as she took the first sip of her strawberry milkshake. "Gods, I haven't had one of these in soooo long."

Percy grinned at her from across the booth. "I know right, it's been way too long."

Percy had ordered a burger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake (dyed blue at Percy's request— which he totally didn't pay extra for), while Annabeth had stuck to a BLT and strawberry milkshake. Weird combination, but she was craving it so who cares?

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