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A/N: Definitely the most ambitious song fic I've ever done but so many One Direction songs remind me of Percabeth!

They were sitting on the roof, waiting for the party to die, when it happened. They were alone, just him, her, and the moon. Suddenly, this weird urge had just come over Percy, and he couldn't stop the words from spilling out.

"I'm in love with you."

Annabeth stopped swinging her legs on the edge, turning abruptly to look at him. Her face was blank, and she didn't say a word. He wasn't sure if she'd heard him; it was pretty windy up here.

"I'm in-"

"No you're not." Annabeth's voice was steely and final.

Percy shook his head, his hands feeling clammy. He was too far gone to stop and backtrack. "Yes, I am Annabeth, I am in lo-"

"No you're not, Percy. Gods, will you stop saying that?" Annabeth shook her head, getting up and stumbling a little.

All Percy could do was gape after his best friend as she walked away, feeling like he'd been slapped in the face.
Percy didn't see much of Annabeth for a while after that. That is, until he saw too much of Annabeth. Annabeth and Luke.

He had just finished having a nice lunch with his mom, and was walking to the subway to get home when he saw the two of them. They were entangled within each other's arms, like two snakes wrestling for food. Except... they were eating each other.

Percy tried not to stop and stare, but the sight stopped him straight in his tracks. Annabeth, the love of his life, his Wise Girl, his best friend— who he'd just confessed to a week ago— was kissing Luke Castellan.

When they broke apart for air, Annabeth caught sight of Percy, standing there like an idiot with his hands stuffed in his pockets, cheeks flushed from the chilly November air. She looked breathtaking, her honey blond curls falling in perfect ringlets that caught the sun perfectly. She had a cream knit beanie on, the one Percy's mom had bought for her last Christmas, and her gray turtleneck seemed to taunt him by highlighting all the places he couldn't touch. Her cheeks were flushed like Percy's, but for entirely different reasons.

"Oh Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed sheepishly, looking surprised. "I um- I didn't— didn't see you there."

She has the gall to act like she feels bad, Percy thought to himself bitterly. She quite literally left him and attached herself to Luke.

"Hey," Percy mumbled, trying to seem upbeat.

It didn't work; Annabeth saw right through him. Her eyes immediately flooded with pity, and Percy wondered if there was any way a sinkhole could just open up underneath his feet to put him out of his misery. No such luck.

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