Iron Man 2

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Things were just starting to settle down and get good. Khione's attempt at a takeover of Valdez Industries had failed, Calypso was in love with Leo for reasons unknown, and Leo was beginning to get back on his feet. As an anniversary gift of sorts, he'd appointed Calypso as the new CEO of Valdez Industries so he could focus on his Iron Man ventures alongside some other... issues.

Naturally, that's when it all went to shit.


"Creaaak," FESTUS' voice came over the speaker. "Click. Click. Click. Squeeeeak."

"He said the latest candidate for the PA position is here," Calypso translated. "He wants to know if he should let her in."

Leo grunted to let FESTUS know to open the door, then went back to his boxing lesson. There was a series of clicks and clacks as F.E.S.T.U.S. undid latches and bolts to let the assistant in, then the sound of heels against tile as the assistant made her way in.

"Hello, Annabelle Chase. It's nice to meet you," the candidate greeted Calypso cordially, sticking her hand out for a shake.

Even from inside the ring, he could tell Calypso was taken aback. Perhaps the other interviewees hadn't extended her the same courtesy. He wondered briefly if he'd be taking it too far by reporting them to HR or flagging them so they couldn't be employed by Valdez Industries or any partnering companies.

"Hello hello!" Leo called out, unable to stop his lips from moving of their own accord. "Don't be shy, come on over."

Calypso gestured for the woman to follow her, leading the way to the ring. As they approached, Leo could hear her explaining, "Don't mind my boyf- ahem- Mr. Valdez. He can be a bit... eccentric, but don't let that deter you."

Annabelle and Calypso exchanged tight smiles before Calypso turned back to Leo.

Leo eyed the woman in front of him. She was tall, taller than himself and Calypso, though that may have just been the heels. She was dressed professionally in a white blouse and black slacks, her blonde hair pulled into a neat half-up half-down. She radiated a sort of steely aura, with her high cheekbones and storm-gray eyes. She was sizing him up as well. He kinda felt like she was staring right into his soul, trying to learn his deepest, darkest secrets.

"Annabelle, was it?"

She nodded, waiting for him to go on.

"Why don't you uh, take a quick lesson with my bodyguard Jake here while Ms. Atlas and I go over your transfer paperwork?"

Annabelle gnawed her bottom lip, like she was weighing her options, before settling on, "Okay."

As Leo stepped out of the ring, walking towards the nearby coffee table, he could hear Jake and Annabelle exchanging pleasantries.

"Hi, Jake Mason..."

"Annabelle Chase..."

Calypso handed him a tablet, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his cheek before she took a seat next to him.

"Here's her info," she huffed. "This is the tenth person we've interviewed, so please— pick someone soon."

She seemed truly exhausted. Leo brushed a curl behind her ear, marvelling at how he hit the jackpot. "Thanks sweetheart. I'll try," he replied, kissing her forehead.

Calypso snuggled into his side, watching Jake attempt to teach Annabeth boxing.

Leo swiped through Annabelle's portfolio, eyebrows raising when he reached the... pictures.

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