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A/N: Someone said I should stop writing sad stories...boy do I have news for you
The dial tone rings once, twice, then three times before switching to voicemail.

"Hey, it's Annabeth, sorry I couldn't ge— Percy, stop that tickles!" Annabeth's voice tinkles through the crackly phone speaker. If you listen closely enough you can hear Percy mumbling, "Keep going Wise Girl," followed by her breathy sigh.

"Sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now, but leave your name and your number and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible! Bye! Percy—"


Percy sighs heavily, looking down to scruff his shoe against the concrete rooftop as he leans against the A/C unit.

"Hey Beth," he says, his voice heavy with grief and hoarse with disuse. "I'm in New York. God, you'd love it here."

He takes a pause to collect himself. The accident was a year ago, and he's just barely beginning to fill in the cracks of the mess she left behind.

"It's so bright, and so busy, like you. I wasn't— I wasn't good for a while." His tongue darts out at his chapped lips.

A deep breath from his end of the line before continuing, "But I'm better now. I've got a good job, and a place to live, and I think things are looking up for me. I've started talking to Hazel and Frank again, and I'm working on Piper and Jason. I just wish you were here to see it."

From below him, the streets of New York are bustling with life. A yellow taxi honks angrily as it swerves to avoid a bicyclist, a couple walks arm-in-arm whilst chattering quietly with their heads leaned towards each other, a child stomps about happily in sewage puddles. He smiles softly, thinking, Yeah, she really would've loved this.

"I'm going to make things right, Beth. I'm going to live my life the way you would've wanted me to, and I'm going to make you proud. I'll—" His voice stutters and cracks; he takes a moment to recollect himself.

"I'll build something permanent for you Wise Girl."
A/N: On a more serious note, I didn't write this out of spite for that comment! I actually thought of this last night before I even saw it and I just had to get it out of my system. Sorry for all the sad shots but more happy ones coming soon!

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