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Annabeth puffed her cheeks as she sighed for the nth time that afternoon. Brushing some of her blond curls away from her eyes, Annabeth used her other hand to wipe the sweat from her face as she slumped on the now empty moving box. She'd just transferred from her local college in San Francisco, California to Half Blood University in New York. "Leaving her comfort zone," as her stepmom Helen so called it.
Annabeth straightened at the knock on her door. In the doorway stood Piper, her new roommate.
"Hey," she said casually, propping an arm on the door frame.
"Hey," Annabeth replied lamely, trying but failing to sound upbeat.
"Sorry to leave you stranded but I had to go talk to one of my professors about something important. Do you need anymore help unpacking?" Piper asked, her eyes wide.
Annabeth stared for a little, trying to get a good look in at this new person she'd be forced to spend time with. Piper had short, choppy hair, and currently she had it down with a couple braids tossed in here and there. Her eyes were green- no blue? Hazel- wait... her eye color seemed to change every couple of seconds, throwing Annabeth off a little. Still, with high cheekbones and olive skin, Piper was easily one of the most beautiful people Annabeth had ever seen.
Annabeth shook her head. "Uh, I uh- I'm fine actually. I don't have much so there's no need, but thanks for the offer."
Piper beamed radiantly, nearly blinding Annabeth with her pearly white teeth. "Well, I was about to go grab a bite if you'd like to come with. We can get to know each other better and I can introduce you to some of my friends."
Annabeth hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah that'd be nice."
Piper got off the door and motioned for Annabeth to follow.
Annabeth found herself in a cozy little pizza shop called "Hestia's Hearth" surrounded by a large group of Piper's friends. There was Leo, a small Latino boy with elvish features, and sat next to him was his girlfriend, Calypso, who had light brown hair in a Dutch braid and milky white skin with freckled shoulders. There was also Hazel, a small, shy looking African-American girl with impossibly smooth skin and dark, curly hair that smelled like coconuts. Despite being seventeen, she could still pass as a high school freshman. Then came her boyfriend Frank, a burly Asian guy who looked intimidating from the back but misleading in the front due to his adorable baby face. He reminded Annabeth of a panda somehow.
Annabeth was actually having fun, she found, and kinda getting along with this group so far. Things were fine until they walked in. It was a large group of boys, all wearing letterman jackets except for one who stood in the front wearing just a blue t shirt. Time seemed to slow down and the chattering halted as Annabeth made eye contact with the boy. The first thing that struck her was his eyes, sea green and shining bright with mirth, but also hiding something she couldn't place. It drew her in, made her curious. She also saw a mop of jet black hair, messy and tangled in an oddly attractive way, with a lean, muscular body to go with it. She couldn't tear her eyes away for some reason.
The doorbell jingled as another person walked in, a blond guy wearing a Half Blood University Letterman jacket. He sat next to piper and nuzzled his head into the crook of her shoulder, kissing it lightly.
Piper laughed as Leo made fake throwing up sounds. Nudging Annabeth with her elbow and breaking her out of her stupor, she said, "Don't mind them; those are the Jupiter boys."
Annabeth turned to her, confused. "Jupiter?"
"Yeah. They're from University of New Rome, but everyone 'round here calls them Jupiters because that's their mascot for some weird reason." the blond guy said.
"Oh shush Jason, you literally used to go there." Piper said, smacking him lightly.
"Huh," Annabeth nodded. "And?"
"Aaaaand they're our school rivals?" Piper offered.
"Really? They are?" Annabeth was surprised, but Piper looked even more so.
"Did you not do your research before you came here or something? People take this rivalry really seriously. We play massive pranks on each other all the time."
"I just- I didn't know that was a real thing. Like, intense school rivalries. I kinda thought it was just a thing that happened in the movies." Annabeth stuttered.
"Oh no no no no nooooo my child. It's a real thing and that right there is our rival swim team." Piper chuckled. "They're probably on here to celebrate their recent win against us; they have this really good swimmer who literally is the only reason they started beating us. See anything you like?"
Annabeth shuddered and shook her head. "What's with the guy in the blue?"
Piper got sad eyes all of a sudden, and the whole table quieter as well. Annabeth felt the atmosphere around her shift dangerously.
"He used to go here actually. His name's Percy. He used to be captain of our swim team, but something happened to him and he just- stopped coming around. Then one day we just figured out he'd gotten a transfer and he was gone, just like that." Jason said, looking around the table like he was sending some sort of secret message.
Annabeth got the sense everyone was suddenly hiding something from her, but she didn't push it seeing the grave looks on everyone's faces. Just then, the waiter came out with a large platter of bubbling pizza, making everyone ooh and aah. Annabeth turned back to her new friends, but not before sneaking one more look at the Percy guy. She had a feeling this wouldn't be the end of it.
Loud techno music blared from the house, making Annabeth's head throb. Purple strobe lights flashed across the ceiling and filled the room as Annabeth tried desperately to make her way through the cluster of sweating bodies. Piper and Thalia, the girl from her psych class and Jason's sister, had dragged her along to a party to celebrate their recent football victory against University of New Rome, but the last time she saw Piper she was going to get drinks and Thalia was making out with some guy with a scar.
Annabeth gulped in a large breath as she finally reached freedom outside. Deciding she didn't want to go without telling Piper or Thalia, she settled for sitting on the front porch, staring aimlessly at the clear liquid in her cup. According to some random person, it was a mixture of vodka, Sprite, and some Jack Smirnoff. Gross, Annabeth thought.
"Yeah I'm not going to argue with that one." came a deep voice from behind her.
Startled, Annabeth whipped around. There he was, that Percy guy from the pizza place.
"Oh, I uh, didn't realize I'd said that out loud," Annabeth chuckled, her cheeks turning red.
The guy- Percy- grinned at her and swung around one of the porch posts before settling next to her on the steps.
"Yeah, happens to the best of us." he replied. "Have I seen you around before? You look familiar."
Annabeth felt a surge of electricity run through her. "Ummm, that pizza place? Hestia's Hearth was the name I think. I don't really know, I'm actually new here. My name's Annabeth, by the way."
Percy didn't offer his name, but it didn't matter because she already knew. Instead he kept studying her. "No, I remember that but before that too. I feel like I've seen you around before, I just can't place my finger on it."
"Oh," Annabeth gasped, "well before this I lived in California, so I doubt it. One of those faces?" She offered meekly.
Percy, still slightly in thought, nodded his head. When he turned to look at her, Annabeth was struck by how green his eyes were.
"Since you're new here do you want to hit the town? I'll introduce you to some of my favorite joints if you want. Plus, let's face it, this party sucks." Percy asked.
Annabeth pondered it, feeling uneasy and yet completely relaxed at once.
"You could be an axe murderer..." Annabeth said plainly, though the smile on her face was inched higher.
Percy's eyes sparkled, and he held out his hand to help her up. "Up up and away?"
Annabeth accepted, rolling her eyes at his cheesiness. "Sure Percy."
"I didn't even tell you my name Annabeth, maybe you're the axe murderer."
Moments later, Annabeth found herself laughing and enjoying herself the most she had in a while. She'd texted Piper that she was leaving, but inevitably had no reply.
While waiting for a crosswalk, she and Percy turned to face each other.
"So how about that karaoke huh?" Percy asked, his face glistening with sweat as he grinned from ear to ear.
Annabeth let out a loud laugh, throwing her head back as she did so. "Gods, I will never think of Adele the same way again."
"Gods? Isn't there only one princess?" Percy asked, squinting his eyes.
Annabeth flushed and scowled, punching Percy in the arm. "Oh shush that was an accident. I was hoping you wouldn't hear that. And don't call me princess again."
"Okay- Wise Girl. Your wish is my command." Percy replied.
"Oh shut up Mr. Seaweed Brain. I'm not the one who thought they could belt out Adele." Annabeth stuck her tongue out.
"Hey!" Percy frowned, "Why is your name so mean? At least my nickname was a compliment! And for the record, it was quite good."
Annabeth blew a raspberry. "You know full well that was not a compliment and it's not mean, it's a fact. Besides, I hardly think bleeding ears are an indicator of good singing." 
Just then the light to cross the street went off, and Percy and Annabeth walked to wherever it was Percy wanted to go next.
Percy walked backwards, facing Annabeth as he talked. "You want to go grab a bite? I know the best sub shop in town."
Annabeth shrugged and followed.
Annabeth woke up surrounded by fluffy white sheets. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced around the room she was in. A bunk bed, with her on the top bunk, and lilac walls with a dream catcher hanging next to one of the windows. It was her dorm. Annabeth sighed dejectedly, wondering if last night had just been a dream. It had seemed too good to be true anyways.
Annabeth reached for her phone on the other end of her bunk, and found a sticky note on top with messy- but readable- handwriting scrawled over it.
(555) 734-2889 Text me :)
Annabeth smiled to herself, glad she didn't completely make up what had happened last night. Just as she was about to leave and get some breakfast, Piper came into the room with a strange look on her face and a paper plate filled with food in her hands.
"Here, I brought you some breakfast since you woke up kinda late. Plus, we need to talk." Piper said, grinning in a way that said that talk was not going to be fun.
Sheesh, Annabeth thought, I've only known Piper for two weeks and I'm already in trouble.
Piper handed Annabeth her plate carefully, then began to scale the step ladder onto Annabeth's bed. Annabeth began to eat as Piper got settled on her bed.
"Soooooo," Piper drawled. Annabeth looked at her quizzically, arching her brow.
"So what?" Annabeth managed between bites of her food.
Piper leaned forward and grabbed Annabeth's hands, nearly causing Annabeth to choke on her eggs. "So what happened yesterday? You left the party and Percy Jackson brought you back here!"
Annabeth actually choked on her eggs that time. "He what?"
"He brought you here! I left the door unlocked for you and he came in at like midnight and tucked you in and all. It was super sweet. Is that who you left with last night?"
Annabeth nodded absentmindedly. What had happened last night? Annabeth pondered over the question as she swallowed down some water.
Piper reached out and touched Annabeth's hand gingerly. "Be careful though Annabeth. Percy's got all sorts of stuff in his past you don't want to go digging up. And there's Jupiters who would kill for him. Just look out for yourself okay?"
There it was again, that hidden trail that seemed to follow Percy everywhere he went.
"Well, tell Piper she's a liar." Percy chuckled on the other line of Annabeth's phone.
"What do you mean Percy? She said you brought me back here." Annabeth retorted, staring at her ceiling from her bunk.
"Well, that's true, but what really happened was she called your phone and you said you needed to get back so I drove you to your dorm. You fell asleep on the way there so I had to carry you up and it was cold, so I put the blanket over you. Then I gave you my number and went home to pray you'd actually text me back."
Annabeth paused a moment, then laughed. "You are such a dork Seaweed Brain."
"And you are someone who owes me another outing since you feel asleep on me," Percy returned.
Annabeth sat up, electricity coursing through her veins. "Are you asking me on a date Seaweed Brain? Because I literally just met you yesterday." She couldn't stop her smile.
"Are you saying no? Because I'm pretty sure yesterday proved I'm not an axe murderer."
If she could've, Annabeth would have smacked Percy for the smirk that she could hear. But nonetheless, she and Percy began making plans to go eat on Friday at 6.
Annabeth pulled her black beret tight around her ears, shivering slightly at the autumn breeze. Somehow she had allowed Piper and Calypso to coerce her into letting them pick her outfit for tonight. So here she was, a regular college girl wearing a white turtleneck, black denim skirt, and chunky burgundy cardigan, waiting to meet a spectacular college boy named Percy at a carnival. Annabeth could've sworn the plan was to go eat, but Percy could be quite unpredictable. Annabeth clicked her black Doc Martins- the only thing the girls would let her wear that she actually wanted to- and picked at her sheer black leggings, waiting anxiously.
Annabeth raised her head at the sound of a sharp whistle. Percy appeared, holding two cotton candy sticks and looking so handsome Annabeth's heart hurt. He was just wearing black jeans and a dark blue hoodie, but somehow he still had an effect on Annabeth despite only meeting her a couple days ago.
"Shall we, m'lady?" Percy said, offering a cotton candy to Annabeth. "They have an awesome food truck selection here that I wanted you to try."
Annabeth shook her head and accepted the confection, laughing. "Let's go then, sir."
They bought their tickets, then headed into their first date. Annabeth soon found out that Percy loved those games where you shot the water into the bullseye, and he got her a small stuffed owl (he had actually won a large one but she insisted on just a small so he traded).
Annabeth looked at the owl, trying to pick a name for him. "I think I'll name him...Daedalus."
Percy stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her. "What kind of a name is that? Mrs. O'Leary would be so much better."
"What kind of a name is that? And how long have you had that name planned out?" Annabeth laughed.
Percy frowned at her and feigned offense. "It's my dog's name thank you very much! Sheesh Wise Girl, so mean."
Annabeth stopped laughing for a second and said, "I'm sorry I upset you you big baby. But his name is Daedalus."
"Mrs. O'Leary!"
"Percy your dog is already named that!"

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