Hey There Delilah

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Annabeth was sitting in the nook of her window, reading and watching New York City come to life when she got it.

Listen to this, read the text from Percy.

Annabeth smiled softly and hugged her book close to her chest as she clicked the mp3 link he'd sent her. Percy, her boyfriend, was an aspiring singer who was trying to make it big. He'd moved to California to try and strike it big, leaving Annabeth in New York to wait for his return.

Plugging her earphones in, Annabeth pressed play. The song started off with some simple guitar, then Percy's melodic voice began to flow over it.

Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City
I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Annabeth smiled and- she'd never admit it- cried a little as Percy spoke about paying the bills with his guitar and waiting for her to finish school. In that moment, he was just a guy with a guitar, pouring his heart out to this mystery girl. Finally, the song ended with a final strum, and just in time, since Percy texted her again.

Did you like it?

I liked it a lot Seaweed Brain, she typed back.

Good, I wrote it for you. Idk who Delilah is but you told me to not write sappy songs about you so I wrote it about Delilah... heavily based off you, Percy replied.

Annabeth laughed to herself. You're such a dork.

But I'm your dork ;)

Annabeth made a sound like her heart was melting in her chest. Of course you are.

Good, Percy replied. Oh, and look outside your window.

Annabeth spared a glance, then did a double take. There, standing outside her apartment building was Percy. Her Percy. He looked so good standing there. He was wearing a navy sweater with black jeans, and his messy hair was swamped by a gray beanie.

Stunned, Annabeth froze, unsure of what
to do. After a minute or two, she came back to her senses and opened her window, letting the chilly winter air in. "Percy?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for you Wise Girl!" he called up to her.

"I know that dumb butt, but why? Gods, Seaweed Brain it's beginning to snow! Come inside!"

Percy shook his head, and that's when Annabeth saw the guitar. No, he wasn't—

He was. Percy slung his guitar- Blackjack- over his shoulder and began to play the song she'd just finished listening to. He opened his mouth to sing, and the world seemed to slow down. The noises of people chattering and cars driving dimmed to a soft background blur until it was just Annabeth- a regular girl- and Percy- a regular boy with a guitar.

People walking by stopped and pulled out their phones to record or their wallets to toss money into the guitar case beside him, but at that moment, it was just Percy and Annabeth, looking into each others' eyes.

By the time the song had finished, a large crowd had gathered, and Annabeth was halfway out her door. She didn't care that she was wearing a ratty gray tank top from last night and that it was freezing outside, or that she was wearing the plaid pajamas she'd stolen from Percy with some bunny slippers. All she cared about was getting to Percy.

Once she was outside, she flung herself into his arms and buried her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you," was all she managed to choke out.

Percy wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight and making her insides turn to mush. "I love you so much Wise Girl. I meant what  said too. I promise I'm going to do everything I can to give you the life you've always dreamed of."

Annabeth wasn't usually one for being cheesy, but what Percy had just done was so romantic she couldn't help herself.

"It's already here," she whispered.

Two months later, the video of Percy serenading Annabeth had gone viral and a record label had reached out to him for a demo. But presently, Annabeth was wrapped snugly in Percy's arms as they enjoyed their morning in. Annabeth was pressed firmly against Percy's back, their legs tangled in a heap while Percy's head rested in the nook of Annabeth's shoulder. The early morning light cast an ethereal glow on Annabeth's blond curls and illuminated her sharp features, while causing shadows to drape perfectly over Percy's face.

This was the happily ever after they were waiting for.

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