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"Fine! Just leave then!" Annabeth yelled at the slamming door.

As soon as it closed however, her resolve and anger melted away, leaving only a crying, sobbing mess. Annabeth slid down the wall and put her head into her hands, tears streaming down her face and falling into her lap. She didn't mean to fight with Percy, but he kept coming home later and later and she was tired of having to do everything by herself: their dishes, their laundry, clean their apartment. This was supposed to be their life together, but lately Annabeth had been feeling like she was simply hauling Percy along for the ride. She'd said some pretty mean things, like "It's like you don't even live here anymore" and "Do you even care about me anymore," while Percy had stuck to his accusations of "You never let me be a part of our 'team'" and "You don't see the sacrifices I'm making for our future."

Everything had gotten out of hand, and eventually Percy had just left to cool off. He would probably go to Jason or Grover's, then come back at night like he usually did, climbing into bed as Annabeth slept and then apologizing in the morning. It still made Annabeth distressed though.

After her butt became numb from sitting on the hardwood floor for so long and all her tears had been cried out, Annabeth got up and shuffled towards her bedroom. Her and Percy's bedroom, that is. She had to remind herself that Percy hadn't left, that he loved her and was still a part of her life. She refused to let their relationship end like this, not when she had spent so long trying to get him to notice she liked him as much as he liked her.

Annabeth climbed into their queen sized bed and pulled the blue comforter over her, then snuggled in for a long slumber.

Ring. Ring ring. Riiiiiiing. Annabeth sat up and rubbed her eyes groggily, using one hand to pat the bed in search of her phone. When she picked it up, she frowned. Some number she didn't know. Who would call her at- Annabeth grumbled as she checked the time- 3:30 in the morning? She debated hanging up, but the call took care of itself and ended. Annabeth shrugged, seeing she had two other missed calls from the same number, and moved to go back to sleep. Then, her phone lit up again, this time with a call from Percy. Her heart jumped, and she braced herself to make an apology as she swiped the answer button.

"Hello?" she rasped, her voice thick with sleep.

"Is this Miss Chase?" replied an unknown man's voice.

"Yes, this is she." Annabeth straightened, her body on full alert. "May I ask who I am speaking to?"

"Miss Chase, we have called to tell you that your husband, Percy Jackson, has been injured in..."

Annabeth didn't get to hear the rest as she dropped her phone and slumped over, the man's voice fading to nothing. Her mind went blank as her whole body turned white hot and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Squeezing her eyes and shaking her head, Annabeth choked out, "No. No no no no no! Please, no, help me please!"

Annabeth didn't know who she was speaking to, but she wanted Percy to come back and hug her tight, tell her it was all a dream. But it wasn't.
Annabeth burst into the lobby of New York Presbyterian just as the paramedics rolled Percy in. Oh gods, Annabeth thought as she broke down again upon seeing Percy.

Percy had cuts all over his body, ranging from small to deep. His skin glimmered, and as Annabeth pressed closer, she saw that it was coming from glass shards that had embedded themselves into him. His hair was matted onto his forehead, and blood gushed from his temple down to his cheek.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled, reaching for him and willing his eyes to open. She needed those sea green eyes to open, tell her everything would be alright. "Is he going to be okay? Please, will he be alright? Someone answer me!"

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