Quarantine Tingsss

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Not an update but I just wanted to express my gratitude to all of you readers! Thank you so much for the encouragement and the votes and the attention you have given this story; it's really picked up lately and that's all thanks to you.

Since we are all in quarantine right now I wanted to take some time to get to know you guys more and share what I'm doing to keep myself sane during this time.

I've been doing homework since my college has switched to online classes and my high school will be starting online school next week (😥). It sucks and it's really draining, but this week I am on spring break, so no work and lots more play!

I have been entertaining myself by watching VoicePlay videos; they are an amazing acapella group if you haven't heard of them and you should totally check them out! All the members are very talented and their bass especially is super duper great. His name is Geoff Castellucci and he has literally the smoothest, deepest, most diverse range I have ever heard. I will have a video of theirs up above if you want to listen. Also, if any of you guys are broadway fans I just learned who Derek Klena is and he is super cute and SO good at singing! (He's the one in the thumbnail and he sings at 2:07 :))

I have also been reading a lot and designing homes (I'm working on a cafe right now) for fun, and learning how to do new things, like the splits and a handstand. I have been drinking lots and lots of tea and doing tons of baking, and of course, I have been writing! I hope to get more content out to you soon.

Please stay inside and social distance as much as you can, and please please please stay safe! I hope you are all doing well during this time and if any of you are feeling overwhelmed I hope my stories can bring you some semblance of peace.

If you guys have any more questions for me or about me feel free to ask away! Please comment what YOU are doing to stay safe and stay sane during quarantine and have a great day!

~H 💙

P.S: Attached is a list of movies I am planning to watch during my break :) in case you can't tell, I'm a bit of a nerd 😜

S: Attached is a list of movies I am planning to watch during my break :) in case you can't tell, I'm a bit of a nerd 😜

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