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A/N: Sorry for all the sad posts I swear I'm not depressed or anything just feeling angsty and trying to be a shit stirrer ;). Here's a lil something short and sweet :)
Annabeth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Pipes, if you're so scared why did you drag me out here?"

"Because Jason works here and I wanted to see him!" Annabeth's brunette friend protested, all the while shaking like a leaf.

Allow Annabeth to rewind. Piper, said brunette friend, had a crush on Jason, the blonde, all-American quarterback who happened to attend school with them. And as it was, Mr. Cookie-cutter Perfect was seasonally employed at- you guessed it- a haunted house. Piper, dying to impress him (although she really didn't have to; Jason would walk across hot coals if she asked) had dragged the unfortunate Annabeth, Hazel, Thalia, and Rachel across town to accompany her. And now, they were here.

Hazel cast an uneasy look towards the house, booming with standard creepy noises and flashing lights. She shivered and pulled her sweater closer around her. "Really Piper, are you sure you want to do this?"

Piper held her breath; she was scared and trying to hide it. She never did do well with scary stuff. "Yes, I'm sure you scaredy cats. Cmon, let's just go in already."

Thalia's eyes had a wicked gleam in them as she smiled and dragged Rachel by the hand. "I've been waiting for this all week!"

Annabeth smiled to herself at Thalia's excitement, and Piper's very apparent fear. "Well, what's the worst that could happen?"
The worst that could happen had— well, happened. Halfway in, Thalia decided they were moving too slow for her and charged ahead on her own. Meanwhile, Rachel had gotten called away by work while they were in a room full of creepy dolls, and Annabeth found herself somehow separated from Piper and Hazel not long after.

If she had to be honest, the setup of the house wasn't so bad. If she was actually scared by this stuff, she would've been scared by the decorations the moment they stepped in. Plus, the actors seemed dedicated to their roles. Annabeth wondered which one was Jason. Fortunately for Annabeth, she wasn't scared in the slightest; she'd seen worse. Besides, everyone knew the best way to deal with fear was with sarcasm.

Annabeth carefully navigated her way through the house, keeping her head down to avoid a flashing lights induced headache.
Soon enough, she was being approached by some guy with a- a trident? Of all things. He appeared to be some zombified version of a shipwrecked sailor.

"Hey there pretty. All alone?" the guy asked, leering awfully close.

Annabeth wrinkled her nose. "Yup, you got me. Alone. Tell me, did you get that off the set of Pirates? The trident, that is."

The zombie sailor looked taken aback, going silent for a couple beats before he started up again. Circling Annabeth, he leaned in close and whispered (creepily? Annabeth wasn't all that creeped though, in fact, his voice was pretty attractive), "Maybe I should give you a tour of my haunted ship."

Annabeth glanced at him sideways. "Oof. Is that Old Spice I smell? I guess even the undead can get cologne these days. Better tell the boys at school about that. They're animals."

The zombie sailor looked like he had eaten something sour.

"And as for that tour, I'm all for it. I'm a bit occupied right now, but does later work? Tomorrow, maybe?"

The zombie sailor was silent again. Annabeth stared at him, trying to get through, when suddenly he started shaking like he was having a seizure.

"You- I can't- you," he wheezed, a pearly white smile breaking through the layers of makeup he wore. "You are too good. God, I'm not supposed to be laughing."

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