Old Farmhouse A

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"Are we almost there?" Rebecca asks.

"Shh, we're getting close," Jordan whispered as the two teenagers crept through the dark woods.

Jordan had seen an old abandoned farmhouse years ago and was leading his girlfriend to that same spot wanting to impress her. The woods were so thick from undergrowth thought that it took him longer to navigate the terrain than he expected.

Long after midnight they emerged into a small clearing where a small house had sat for years letting nature slowly reclaim it. Jordan and Rebecca watched the house for several minutes making sure it was empty.

Jordan led Rebecca out into the clearing when he was sure nobody was around. They crept up to the front of house and looked in through the cracks of the plywood windows. It was too dark inside to make anything out.

"Let's go in and check it out," Jordan said.

"Should we? The place is all closed off for a reason," she asked.

"Probably just old people afraid of an old house. There's nothing to be afraid of," Jordan replied looking over the front door.

He pushed gently against the door but it didn't budge so he tried harder and harder but the door still wouldn't move. Not wanting to look weak in front of his girlfriend he slammed himself against the door but the door wouldn't yield.

"This place gives me the creeps. Can we just go now?" Rebecca asks wrapping her arms around her chest.

"We can go after we see what's inside," Jordan answered.

Rebecca bent over slightly to look at the door and saw something interesting, "The door is nailed shut."

"With all the rotten wood I should've went right through the door even with it nailed shut."

"The wood looks newer too. Are you sure we should be trying to get in?"

"I'm getting inside that house. You can wait outside but I'm going in," Jordan said before running at the door.

The door splintered with a loud crack and Jordan disappeared through the doorway. Rebecca ran up to check on him. Looking through the doorway she saw Jordan brushing himself off.

"I told you I'd get inside," Jordan said.

A high-pitched laughter thundered throughout the house. Rebecca screamed and took off running out into the clearing. Set on looking big, Jordan stood his ground inside the house.

"Jordan! Let's go!" she yelled.

A few moments went by before she saw Jordan again. This time he was sprinting out of the house and straight towards her. He stopped next to her looking very pale and breathing hard.

"What is it?" she asked but before he could answer she saw it for herself.

A person hunched over and covered in rags was standing in the doorway. Whoever it was let out another high-pitched laugh then disappeared entirely.

Rebecca turned to Jordan and he answered the unspoken question clearly written on her face, "It's a witch. She's a witch."

Rebecca started to argue but the witch reappeared within arm's length of the two then disappeared again in a flash.

"What did you just do?" she asked knowing she could never get the half rotten face out of her mind ever again.

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