The dinner of hell (Chapter 4)

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Upon their return home, Izuku and Inko worked to make a meal worthy of mention. Since his earliest childhood, Izuku was accustomed to having his mother return at very late hours from work. Her mother knew that she wouldn't always have time to cook for her child to decide to teach her to cook so that she could fend for herself. Strangely, Izuku has always been excellent in the field of cooking and in just a few months his mother in this area. We could say that his cuisine was first choice.

Izuku wondered for a long time how to make sure that Katsuki didn't see her in this "state" and she understood that the best solution was also the simplest, that is to say, do nothing. The lie that she had chicken pox also gave her protection in this case. If she was sick and contagious, she had no reason to stay with the others and could just stay in her room without anyone finding anything fishy about it.

The evening came and once Izuku finished setting the table, the doorbell rang. It was the Bakugo. Izuku ran to hide in his room but was stopped by his mother.

"Izuku, my darling, but where you are going, the guests have just arrived." Inko told him.

"I'm sorry Mom, but I'm not ready to see you like that, just tell them I'm sick." Izuku said, running to his room.

"INKO, WE ARRIVED," shouted Katsuki's mother.

"Ah, Mitsuki I'm coming." Inko said, rushing to the door.

"Sorry for making you wait, come in, enter." Inko said opening the door.

They all moved to the dining table or a delicious meal was waiting for them. They all sat down in their separate place.(Pov author: Well yes it's not the first time he comes to dinner there, they must have their own places.) Katsuki was surprised to notice that Izuku's place was empty. Inko noticing where his eyes were wearing told him ...

"Izuku has chicken pox Katsuki, the school didn't warn you about that." lied to him Inko.

"This will be the first and the last time I'm lying about Izuku's transformation, and it's probably too hard for him to show it to Katsuki, I thought he could at least tell him about it. They have been friends for so many years. " Inko thought still unaware of the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku.

But despite the precautions taken by Inko, Katsuki understood immediately that she was lying.

"What is she talking about?" The nerd has already caught chickenpox when he was younger, I remember it perfectly since he caught him like a fool when he came to see me when I was me "In addition, Aunt Inko is lying so badly, it's impossible for me to be fooled." he thought.

"Very well then." Katsuki said.

Inko let out a sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki, and suddenly he got up from the table.

"If it's like that, you can stay between you, I'll go see him," Katsuki said as he walked to Izuku's room.

"No, wait ... you ... you ... you too could get sick." Inko said in a very feverish voice that betrayed his nervousness.

"Don't worry about me Aunt Inko, I already got chickenpox, I won't risk anything." he said, continuing his way without glancing at Inko.

As he walked towards the place where Izuku was, a noise echoed. Something had fallen. Katsuki just had time to see a figure enter Izuku's room before he understood the situation.

"He was spying on us, why?" Katsuki wondered.

As Katsuki went to the door of Izuku's room, he heard a voice that was previously unknown to him.

"Go away." Izuku said with the most serious voice that could.

"Hey, Deku, what are you doing?"

"I ... I'm sick, don't come in. I have the c ...."

"Chickenpox, don't lie to me, you've already caught it so get out of here." Katsuki said in a threatening voice.

Despite his very frightening external appearance, Katsuki was really worried about Izuku. Since he was in Yuei, Izuku was separating more and more from the young man. He made new friends and Katsuki understood how dependent he was on Izuku. Unfortunately, his pride prevented him from telling Izuku how important he was to him. The distance between them continued to widen.

"The nerd opens this door quickly or I sink?" Bakugo said more and more worried about why the young man did not want to see him.

"I'll give you three seconds to get out, otherwise I'll go in. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..."

As Izuku mentally prepared to confront Bakugo, he suddenly heard a loud noise behind the door.



"Come on, it's okay both of you, Inko has made a big effort to prepare this meal so do not waste it and come eat." said Masaru, Katsuki's father calmly.

They all sat down to dinner, but this time no one got up until dinner was over. As soon as they finished eating, Katsuki got up again to get Izuku. Unfortunately, when he entered the room, which was no longer blocked, he found no place anywhere near Izuku. As he turned back, he heard water running.

"He's taking a shower." Katsuki remarked.

"I will take the opportunity to search the room a little bit."

Bakugo searched the room for a clue as to why Izuku did not want to see him. Unfortunately, even after several minutes of research, he found nothing. Suddenly he was drawn to a well-hidden bag under Izuku's bed. When he saw the contents, he was stunned.

"Some ... some ... underwear for girls. What does this nerd do with that in her bedroom? Wait, there is a label on it. It looks like we just bought them. I shouldn't get excited, it could be Aunt Inko. "Katsuki thought.

As he was going to drop the bag, he suddenly saw something shocking."All-Might underwear, Aunt Inko would not wear that kind of thing, and this bra is too big for her, it's obvious, if not for her, for who is it? And what's that in the nerd's room? " Katsuki wondered.

As he continued his search, a yell was heard.

"KATSUKI, WHAT YOU ARE, MOVES TO THE ASS, WE WILL GO." shouted Mitsuki in the house.

Katsuki resolved to give up her search momentarily and followed her parents outside the house.

"I will definitely find out what Deku is hiding." Katsuki swore.

A few minutes later, once the Bakugos left, Izuku came slowly to see his mother dressed in a simple towel and her hair dripping with water.

"Mo ... Mom, I think we have a problem .... I'm bleeding."


Thanks to all who have bothered to watch this chapter. It's really a whole new experience for me and I'm very happy to share it you. Kiss * Kiss *


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