Author's Note

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You know, it was really fun to write this.  I have to thank you, the reader, for, well, reading this.  I hope you liked it. 

     I just come up with things all of the sudden sometimes.  But there are also the times that it takes me forever to just come up with a story.  

     Also, there is a next book.  

     Okay, so ideas can be hard to come up with for about a thousand reasons.  But I will only mention one:

     Because when you think of things, in your brain, your borrowing from other authors.  It's just how it feels, even when it's not true.  

     As I write, I wonder if it's really my idea.  Like "what if I read something like this once?"  It is a struggle, even when I know it hasn't already been written.  I mean, a lot of my stories that I used to write were about books I had already read.  Fan-fiction.  But sometimes, it was the same story but written with different words.  

     I sometimes find it difficult to keep the story interesting  so I just add things that I don't even want to add or read about.  

     Whenever I write something, I feel that I almost always lose interest in my own stories.  And so I give up on stories.  I give up on them so quickly that I have just random stories or story lines or story beginnings in so many areas, it is impossible to tell.  

     And I feel very proud I finished this.  Finished a real story.  Something I wanted to write.  I feel like when you start some story, you try to push yourself into writing it, instead of actually wanting to write it.  

     But I feel like this is an exception.  I love to write this.  People say I should plan my stories, but if I'm being honest, I try not to do that.  I know it is strange.  My head just comes up with a beginning before and sometimes an end and I just have to figure out how I got to that point.  

     I wonder what it would like to write a story where one character that is a few minutes after, then go back and write what happened just before from the perspective of a different character.  A character in a different moment.  

     Would you want me to write something like that?  I am curious.  I feel like it would be a fun little challenge, but I feel like I could do it.  Do you think I could?      


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